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坚持“改革创新,稳中求进”的发展总基调,是国家应对经济转型新形势做出的科学决策。对于企业来说,就是要在国家统筹指导下,从体制机制改革入手,调结构,转方式,提质增效,稳步发展。在这种形势下,企业党建工作同样需要转型。这就要求企业党务工作者,必须适应形势需求,以自身建设的新成效,激发党建活力,助推企业转型发展。当前企业党务干部自身建设上存在的问题政治定力不够。受“重经济,轻党建”的思想影响,在党务干部的任用上,标准不严,失之于宽。部分单位在党务干部的任用上,不是择优配强,而是常常把从经济工作岗位上退下来快到退休年龄的干部,或者是在经济工作岗位的副职提正职无法安置的干部,配置到党务岗位上来。这种配置的方向性错误,导致很多基层党务干 The overall tone of development in adhering to the principle of “reform and innovation and seeking progress through stability” is a scientific decision made by the state in response to the new situation of economic restructuring. For the enterprises, it is necessary to start from the reform of the institutional mechanisms under the overall planning and guidance of the state, adjust the structure and turn over the modes, improve the quality and enhance the efficiency and develop steadily. Under such circumstances, Party building in enterprises also needs transformation. This requires that party workers in enterprises must adapt themselves to the needs of the situation and take the new achievements of their own construction to stimulate the vitality of party building and boost the transformation and development of enterprises. At present, the problems existing in the construction of enterprise party cadres themselves are not strong enough in politics. Affected by the thinking of “emphasizing economy and building a light party”, the standards are lax and lenient on the appointment of party cadres. Part of the units in the appointment of party cadres, not a meritocratic, but often from the economic job posts retirement approaching the retirement age cadres, or in the economic work position of the cadre, Post up. The misdirection of this configuration has led to many grass-roots party tasks
最近,国家计委国民经济综合司副司长李德水就发展中国企业集团问题向本刊特约记者李量发表谈话,在谈到本刊开辟“企业集团”专栏时,李德水同志说:宏观经济管理 开辟《企业集
自1970年以来,在世界范围内掀起了剪切带研究的热潮。J.G.Ramsay 和 R.H.Graham(1970)基于宽仅几十厘米的剪切带而建立起的应变、位移测量方法,在造山带、前寒武地块的大规
微量白蛋白尿( microalbuminuria , MAU )不仅是肾脏损害的早期标记,也是全身内皮细胞损害的标志, 更是心血管事件的独立危险因素。高血压与糖尿病是导致MAU的主要原因,我国