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〔背景资料〕 1995年12月的一天傍晚,美国马萨诸塞州劳伦斯城的莫尔登厂发生了大爆炸,大火在厂区内肆虐了整整一天一夜。火灾给莫尔登厂造成的经济损失达3亿多美元,近12万平方米的厂区满目疮痍,有百年历史的厂房仅剩下几根焦黑的框架,机器设备变为废铁,所有产品的生产、设计、印染等最重要的数据资料软件也随着建筑一起化成了缕缕青烟。莫尔登厂的执行总裁阿隆·费尔斯廷当时正与家人庆祝他的70寿辰,听到这个消息后悲痛欲绝。但是他鼓励自己:绝不流泪。火灾过后的第三天,面对着一千多名员工,阿隆宣布:在今后一个月也许更长时间里,所有员工都会得到全工资。除钱之外,莫尔登厂能为大家做的更重要的事,是让所有的人回到工作岗位上。火灾后,社会各界纷纷解囊相助。阿隆带领工人们仅用三天时间就把未毁坏的机器搬到仓库,在仓库里开始生产。两周后,莫尔登厂的龙头产品——波拉泰克织品的生产能力已恢复到火灾前的80%;五周后,三分之二的工人回到了工作岗位;七周后,1996年春季的毛绒织品已能如期供货;一年后,一座价值1.3亿美元近6万平方米的新厂房从灰烬中拔地而起,另外,还安装了几十台计算机,对每一道工序进行严格的监控,通过计算机还能向客户提供最新的详尽信息。火灾并没有摧垮莫尔登厂,相反使工厂上下的凝? Background information In the evening of December 1995, a big bang broke out at the Molden Plant in Lawrence, Massachusetts, in the evening of December 1995, and the fire raged throughout the plant site for a whole day and night. The economic damage caused by the fire to the Morden Plant amounted to more than 300 million U.S. dollars and nearly 120,000 square meters of factory space was devastated. Only a few hundred years old factory left a few dark frameworks, and the machinery and equipment became scrap iron. The production of all products , Design, printing and dyeing and other most important data software also with the building into a plume of smoke. Aron Ferstin, CEO of the Morden Plant, was celebrating his 70th birthday with his family and was distraught after hearing the news. But he encouraged himself: never cry. On the third day after the fire, facing more than a thousand employees, Aron announced that all employees will receive full pay in the next month or more. In addition to money, the more important thing Morden can do for everyone is to get everyone back to work. After the fire, all sectors of society have helped solve the problem. Aaron led the workers in just three days to move the unbroken machine to the warehouse and start production in the warehouse. Two weeks later, the production capacity of Molotin’s leading product, Porretanki, was restored to 80% of the pre-fire level; two weeks later, two-thirds of the workers returned to work; seven weeks later, in 1996 One year later, a new plant worth nearly 130,000 U.S. dollars, nearly 60,000 square meters, was built from ashes. In addition, dozens of computers were installed, Strict monitoring, through the computer can also provide customers with the latest detailed information. The fire did not crush the Morden factory, on the contrary the factory condensate up and down?
摘要:近年来,中韩贸易规模迅速增长,中韩间的旅游服务贸易也得到迅速发展。本文首先考察了中韩间贸易关系背景,然后介绍了中韩旅游现状及特点,进而提出了中韩旅游服务贸易中存在的问题及原因分析,通过这一系列的探究,最后得出结论:中韩旅游服务贸易有着广阔的发展前景,并且中韩旅游业的合作有利于两国旅游业的可持续发展。  关键词: 中韩;旅游服务贸易;现状  中圖分类号:F752.68 文献标识码:A 文章编号