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2010年6月28日至30日,中国国防科技信息学会信息资源与信息技术专业委员会在林城贵阳隆重举行“知识组织与知识服务”学术研讨会。参加会议的有学会的主管领导,各总部、各军兵种和各国防科技工业集团公司有关部门主管科技信息工作的领导,各主要科技信息机构的领导,以及论文作者 From June 28 to June 30, 2010, the Information Resources and Information Technology Professional Committee of China National Defense Science and Technology Information Society held a seminar on “Knowledge Organization and Knowledge Service” in Guiyang, Lincheng. The leaders of the academic leaders in charge of participating in the conference, all headquarters, the various branches of the armed forces, and the departments in charge of the various national defense science and technology industrial group companies are responsible for the work of scientific and technological information, the leaders of major scientific and technological information agencies, and the authors of the dissertation
P1567巴西经皮肤创口感染的侵入性镰刀菌病发病率升高//Marcio Nucci,Andrea G.Varon,Marcia Garnica等侵入性镰刀菌病由镰刀属真菌感染引起,该病主要侵犯恶性血液肿瘤患者和
目的探讨细胞外基质金属蛋白酶诱导因子(extracellular matrix metalloproteinase inducer,EMMPRIN)、基质金属蛋白酶2(matrix metalloproteinases2,MMP-2)、基质金属蛋白酶9
在本文中,重点分析了Web应用系统测试的特性,并写出了这两种测试方法之间的差异,也概括了Web应用系统测试的内容和具体操作的方法。 In this paper, we focus on the analys
AIM:To molecularly characterize hepatitis B virus(HBV)isolates from Kerala and to relate them to the clinical manifestation of infection.METHODS:Sera and clinic
AIM:To assess retrospectively the epidemiological and clinical aspects of cystic echinococcosis(CE)and to evaluate follow-up and response to treatment in patien
摘 要:计算机和互联网技术的大力发展为我国的电力行业提供了高速发展的机遇,同时也给电力信息网络系统的稳定发展带来了一些不安全因素。针对网络系统中的信息技术现状中存在的几点问题,着力探究、分析其影响根源,同时查阅相关文献并结合从事电力管理的经验,分别对电力信息系统中的部分给出相应的措施建议,供电力系统管理者参考。  关键词:电力系统 信息网络 安全性研究  中图分类号:TP393.08 文献标识码:
针对报纸的特点和高校图书馆报纸管理普遍存在的现象,就“为什么”和“怎么样”加强对高校图书馆报纸的管理进行了探讨。 In view of the characteristics of the newspaper
Hepatitis D virus(HDV) is a defective RNA virus which requires the help of hepatitis B virus(HBV) virus for its replication and assembly of new virions. HDV gen