在荷兰五年,看的电影真是屈指可数,算起来总共四部吧,其中中国影片就占了三部。 我看的第一部电影是《霸王别姬》。那时刚到荷兰不久,为环境所迫,赋闲在家。一天翻看天书般的荷兰报纸,竟发现一幅很大的《霸王别姬》电影海报。于是心再也放不下,一种非看不可的迫切一天天增长起来。 幸而我们的邻城Vragening是个著名的农业大学所在地,颇有名气,文化活动比较活跃,《霸王别姬》在此得以上映。 影院位于W市中心购物街的小巷里,因巷名“东风街”而名“东风剧场”。这是一栋小小的两层建筑,窄小而陈旧的门面诉说着历史。 进门是个厅,不大,倒被一个大酒吧占去
In the five years in the Netherlands, there are really a few movies to watch, counting a total of four, of which Chinese films account for three. The first movie I watched was “Farewell My Concubine.” Shortly after arriving in the Netherlands at the time, I was forced to work at the environment and was at home. One day looking at the holy book Dutch newspaper, actually found a big “Farewell My Concubine” movie poster. So heart no longer let go, a kind of unsightly growing urgently day by day. Fortunately, our neighboring city, Vragening, is home to a famous agricultural university. It is famous for its cultural activities and “Farewell My Concubine” was released here. The cinema is located in the alley of shopping center in downtown W, named “Dongfeng Theater” because of the name of “Dongfeng Street”. This is a small two-storey building with narrow, dated facades that tell history. The door is a hall, not big, but was taken up by a large bar