正确处理三个关系 自觉接受党的领导

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我国宪法规定,中国共产党是我国的领导核心。各级人大常委会必须自觉接受党的领导,做到不失职,不越权要正确处理好三个关系。一是正确处理坚持党的领导和严格依法办事的关系。为了保证党对人大工作的领导,充分发挥人大及其常委会的作用,一方面,我们应自觉接受和依靠党的领导,凡是重大事项均及时向市委报告,主动取得市委的领导和支持,始终把握人大工作的正确方向。同时,对市委的重大决策,常委会也要通过作决议、决定等,使其变成全市人民的共同意志,从而推进市委决策的落实。另一方面,各级党委要尊重和支持人大及其常委会依法行使职权,教育和带领党员在宪法和法律的范围内活动,努力实现党的领导和依法办事的高度统一。 Our country’s constitution stipulates that the Chinese Communist Party is the leading core of our country. The NPCSC at all levels must conscientiously accept the leadership of the party so that it will not lose its job and will not be able to handle the three relations correctly. First, we must correctly handle the relationship between upholding the party’s leadership and strictly following the law. On the one hand, we should consciously accept and rely on the leadership of the party. Any major issue shall be promptly reported to the municipal party committee and the initiative to obtain the leadership and support of the municipal party committee. In the meantime, we must give full play to the role of the NPC and its standing committee. Grasp the right direction of NPC work. At the same time, the Standing Committee of the CPC Central Committee has decided to make major decisions on the municipal party committee through resolutions and decisions so that it will become the common will of the people in the city and promote the implementation of the decision-making by the municipal party committee. On the other hand, party committees at all levels should respect and support the NPC and its standing committees in exercising their functions and powers in accordance with the law, educating and leading Party members in the framework of the Constitution and laws, and strive to achieve a high degree of unity between the party’s leadership and handling affairs in accordance with the law.
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