创新驱动 转型升级 全产业链发展 承担引领陕西旅游产业发展的重任

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2016年是陕旅集团成立18周年。18年前,陕旅集团孕育着省委、省政府深化体制改革的期望,承载做优做大做强全省旅游产业的重托应运而生。18年的历史,凝结成一次次选择与行动;而选择与行动,又会开启一段段崭新历史。站在新的发展起点和平台上来看,2016年是陕旅集团向综合、专业、投资型集团转型升级的关键年,也是“十三五”良好开局之年。2016年,集团系统内企业坚持“创新驱动、转型升级、全产业链发展”战略,紧抓产业发展历史机遇,积极应对经济下行挑战,集团今年整体转型发展成效显著,总资产突破百亿大关,重大项目建设硕果累累,文化演艺精品集群不断扩大,资本运作亮点突出,文化旅游高端制造有望突破,低空旅游业务先声夺人,企业内部管理再上新台阶,集团品牌和社会影响力迅速提升。在国家确立“一带一路”发展战略之际,陕旅集团提出了向丝绸之路旅游文化产业的新航程大踏步进军的战略思路,依托集团在城市文化旅游综合体、旅游古镇建设、旅游实景演艺、旅游景区载人索道建设运营方面的成功经验,重点发展索道投资、文化演出、文化旅游综合体、古镇运营、景区管理、影视行业、电商和媒体以及投资模式输出等八大产业,积极探索与丝路沿线省份、国家的合作共赢方式。在旅游产业进入推动经济发展核心产业的大背景下,陕旅集团将高举“文化、欢乐、慈善”的大旗,战略思考、系统布局、勇于占领制高点,承担引领陕西旅游产业发展的责任,为游客创造更多的旅行,创造更多的幸福。 2016 is the 18th anniversary of Shaanxi Travel Group. 18 years ago, Shaanxi Travel Group pregnant with the provincial party committee and government to deepen the expectations of the system reform, carrying a bigger and stronger tourism industry in the province of the trust came into being. 18 years of history, condensed into a second choice and action; and choice and action, will open a new chapter in history. From a new starting point for development and platform, 2016 is the key year for Shaanxi Brigade to transform, upgrade and upgrade its integrated, professional and investment-oriented groups and also a good year for its “13th Five-Year Plan”. In 2016, the enterprises within the group adhered to the strategy of “innovation-driven, transformation and upgrading, development of the entire industrial chain”, seized the historic opportunity of industrial development and actively responded to the economic downturn. The overall transformation and development of the Group achieved remarkable results this year, with total assets exceeding 10 billion Significant achievements have been made in the construction of major projects, major cultural projects, the continuous expansion of cultural performing arts boutiques, highlighting of capital operation highlights, breakthroughs in high-end cultural tourism manufacturing, the pioneering low-altitude tourism business and the rapid rise of corporate brand and social influence. On the occasion of establishing the development strategy of “One Belt and One Road” by the state, Shaanxi Travel Group proposed a strategic approach of marching toward a new voyage of the Silk Road tourism and cultural industry. Relying on the Group’s strategy of marching into an urban cultural and tourism complex, building an ancient tourist town, and traveling Performing arts and tourist attractions, and man-made ropeway construction and operation, focusing on the development of eight major industries including cableway investment, cultural performances, cultural and tourism complex, town operation, scenic spot management, film and television industry, e-commerce and media and investment mode output Along the Silk Road provinces, the state’s win-win cooperation. Under the background of tourism industry entering the core industry of promoting economic development, Shaanxi Travel Group will hold the banner of “Culture, Joy and Charity”, strategic thinking, systematic layout, courage to occupy the commanding height and take the responsibility to lead the development of tourism industry in Shaanxi , For tourists to create more travel, to create more happiness.
20 0 0年是世纪之交的一年 ,也是完成“九五”计划和本世纪末重要奋斗目标的最后一年。中国交通会计学会本着“认清形势 ,明确任务 ,开拓进取 ,团结奋斗 ,上下一心 ,形成合力
四十岁的男人比三十岁的沉稳,比五十岁的风趣。他们成熟睿智、事业有成、家庭美满,这个时期是他们的黄金期。然而,从生理角度看,也许是另一番景象。  黄金期的男人可能正在或者正准备要经历一个重要的生理转折期,此时的他,也许正陷入困境,无法摆脱。细心的家人会发现,他似乎变得陌生,整天焦灼不安又易怒,究竟发生了什么?  实际上,这是一种与男性年龄增长相关的临床综合征。  记得某天下午,一对中年夫妇走进我的诊
本文结合实际工程,对大桥施工的监理工作做了详细的说明。 In this paper, with the actual project, the supervision of the construction of the bridge made a detailed