曾经做过医生的人,也许比一般人更能深切地体会到“传染”二字对于医务工作者意味着什么——受命于临危之际,“to be or not to be’’意味着冲锋与退缩,生存与死亡……但是,当我面对这些身临险境仍坚守在防治“传染性非典型性肺炎”(义称重症急性呼吸综合征,Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome,SARS)第一线的防治人员的时候,我听到的不是他们对于自身安危的顾惜,而是对于职责的敬守:“我们就是干这行的,现在国家有这么大的事,我们不冲上来,谁冲上来?”“即使有一千个离开的理由,现在也不是时候,病房如战场,退下来就和逃兵一样。”
Once a doctor, perhaps more deeply than the average person can understand the “infection” for the medical workers what it means - in the face of danger, “to be or not to be” means charge and retreat , Survival and Death ... However, when I face these precautions in the first line of prevention and treatment of SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) Personnel, I hear not their pardon for their own safety, but respect for duty: “We are doing this line, and now the country has such a big thing, we do not rush, who rushed? ”Even with a thousand reasons to leave, it’s not the time now. Wards like battlefields are just like deserters. "