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20 0 2年 10月 2 8日 ,全国人民代表大会常务委员会第 30次会议通过了《关于修改 <中华人民共和国保险法 >的决定》。新《保险法》的实施将对促进我国保险业快速稳健发展产生深远影响。新《保险法》突出了以下几个特点 :以改革促发展 ;以创新促发展 ;以开放促发展 ;以监管促发展。学习和贯彻新《保险法》 ,一要确定保险监管部门作用的边界 ,依法确定保险监管部门职能 ,遵循我国社会主义市场经济的要求 ,参照世界贸易组织规则和国际惯例 ,对保险监管部门的行政管理职能重新定位 ;二要明确保险监管部门的管理职能 ,保险监管部门的职能要从无限职能转向有限职能 ;三要在保险监管部门职能调整中 ,加强保险公司和保险中介组织的管理和自律职能 ,对原有的部分监管职能要还权于市场 ,还权于经营主体 ,通过市场配置资源。 On October 28, 2008, the 30th meeting of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress passed the Decision on Amending the Insurance Law of the People's Republic of China. The implementation of the new “Insurance Law” will have a profound impact on promoting the rapid and steady development of China's insurance industry. The new “Insurance Law” highlights the following features: promoting development through reform; promoting development through innovation; promoting development through opening up; promoting development through regulation. To study and implement the new “Insurance Law,” one must determine the boundaries of the role of insurance regulatory authorities, determine the functions of insurance regulatory authorities in accordance with the law, follow the requirements of China's socialist market economy, refer to the WTO rules and international practices, and supervise the administration of insurance regulatory authorities Second, it is necessary to clarify the regulatory functions of the insurance regulatory department, to shift the functions of the insurance regulatory authority from an unlimited one to a limited one. Third, to strengthen the management and self-regulatory functions of insurance companies and insurance intermediaries in the functional adjustment of insurance regulatory authorities, For the original part of the regulatory functions to be also right in the market, but also right in the main business, through the market allocation of resources.
每个人的心灵都是一座美丽的花园,在这里享受自由自在的快乐,珍藏只属于自己的宝贝、秘密。 Each person's heart is a beautiful garden, where to enjoy the freedom of h
杰里叔叔:保持平衡!对!很好! 乔:我会骑自行车了!詹妮弗,看! 泰迪熊:我以前从没见过自行车。它有两个大圆圈。詹妮弗:它们叫作轮子。乔:爸爸!我现在骑得好多了。我已经骑了一