上海本帮菜有其鲜明的个性和浓郁的特色,具体表现如下。 一是有一系列的传统名菜。如虾子大乌参、红烧河鳗、红烧鮰鱼、八宝鸭、八宝辣酱、冰糖甲鱼、砂锅大鱼头、扣三丝、圈子草头、白切肉、油爆河虾等,无不脍炙人口,深受食者欢迎,它们独树一帜,为本帮菜赢得了一席之地。 二是重火工、擅长烧。本帮菜在烹制红烧类菜肴时,十分注重火工的运用,在烧的过程中,对大火、中火、小火处理恰到好处。如红烧鮰鱼鱼、红烧河鳗、冰糖甲鱼等都是正确
Shanghai cuisine has its own distinctive personality and rich characteristics, the specific performance is as follows. First, there is a series of traditional dishes. Such as shrimp big black ginseng, braised river eel, braised bonito, Babao duck, eight hot sauce, rock sugar turtle, casserole head, buckle three wire, circle grass, white meat, oil shrimp, etc., all win universal praise , Deeply welcomed by eaters, they are unique, for the vegetables to win a place. Second, heavy workers, good at burning. When preparing the braised dishes, our paella pays great attention to the use of firemen. In the process of burning, the fire, moderate fire and small fire are just right. Such as braised bonito fish, braised river eel, rock sugar turtle, etc. are correct