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实现中华民族的伟大复兴需要我们树立终生学习的意识,培养学习能力。在当今全球化的背景下,英语这门语言的学习有着重要的意义,全民对于英语学习有着一定的需求。在我系与廊坊市广阳区新开路同顺里社区开展志愿服务合作的背景下,以同顺里社区的小学生为调查对象,研究其对英语学习的需求,针对其中发现的问题,从志愿服务的角度出发提出解决方案。首先,充分利用我系与同顺里社区的合作机会,获取相关文献资料。通过访谈了解到了小学生的英语学习情况和家长对于子女英语学习的需求。其次,组队开展针对社区小学生英语学习需求的社会调研,制作并发放问卷,及时汇总数据。通过分析和整理得出结论:社区内部小学生课外英语学习有必要且有需求。再次,通过分析所取得的第一手资料,发现问题,梳理思路。发现社区当前的课外英语学习以补习班为主,应试教育,功利性强,缺少对于英美文化的传播和英语学习兴趣的培养。最后,依托我系的志愿服务大队针对相关问题开展志愿服务活动,希望能够在解决社区实际需要的同时锻炼学生们的实践能力,做好高校与社区的对接,满足社区小学生课外英语学习需求。 To realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation requires that we establish a sense of lifelong learning and develop our learning ability. In the context of globalization, the study of English as a language is of great significance. The whole people have certain needs for English learning. Under the background of volunteer service cooperation with Tongshunli community in Xinkai Road, Guangyang District, Langfang City, the primary schoolchildren in Tongshunli Community are investigated and their needs for English learning are studied. According to the problems found in the study, Volunteer service point of view to propose solutions. First of all, make full use of the opportunities for cooperation between our department and the community of Shun Nienli to obtain relevant documents and materials. Through interviews, we learned the primary school students ’English learning and the parents’ needs for their children’s English learning. Secondly, team up to carry out social studies aimed at the needs of primary school students in English learning, make and issue questionnaires, and summarize the data in a timely manner. Through the analysis and collation conclusion: the community primary school students extracurricular English learning is necessary and needs. Thirdly, by analyzing the first-hand information obtained, discovering problems and combing ideas. It is found that the current extracurricular English learning in the community mainly consists of cram schools, examination-oriented education, strong utilitarianism, and lack of training of the culture of Anglo-American culture and interest in learning English. Finally, relying on volunteer service brigade of our department to carry out voluntary service activities on the related issues, I hope to be able to practice the practical ability of students to solve the actual needs of the community, do the docking between colleges and communities, and meet the community primary school students’ extra-curricular English learning needs.
国际电联ITUR第十、十一研究组及工作会议于1999年5月17日~6月2日在瑞士日内瓦召开,共有SG10、SG11、WP10C、JWP1010Q、JWP1011R、JWP1011S、WP11A、WP11B、WP11C、TG11/5、JTG101 The tenth and eleventh study groups and working sessions of th