Integrated Digital Design for Radar Typical Structure Using Knowledge Based Engineering

来源 :计算机辅助绘图.设计与制造:英文版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dfsdasdas
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With the deep research of knowledge engineering and the widespread applications of CAD technology, the joining of knowledge engineering with CAD is the focus of advanced manufacturing. An intelligent approach is presented for configurating the typical str
1 对象和方法1.1 对象我院2000~2003年肠套叠238例经空气灌肠整复成功219例,失败19例,年龄21日龄~12岁.1岁以内123例(52%),1~2岁72例(30%),3~12岁16例(7%),其余27例为2~3岁(11%).
Blends of polyamide 6 and polycarbonate were prepared by a Brabender mixer ( PLV- 151) at 240 Co with 30 rpm for time 15, 8 and 6 minutes respectively. The ther
This paper has analyzed the perturbations of a GeoX-Sat (virtual satellite) in geostationary orbit (GEO). And control methods,strategies and calculation process
对我院1994~2003年儿童结核20例分析如下.1 临床资料本组男16例,女4例.入本院时年龄为6月龄~14岁.临床表现发热14例,单纯咳嗽2例,腋窝肿块1例,腰部疼痛1例,运动后气促1例,膀胱
对我院老年人颈脊髓损伤伴发低钠血症的观察与护理总结如下.1 临床资料本组男18例,女9例,年龄65~90(平均76.4)岁.高处坠落伤9例,骑车摔倒5例,车祸6例,其他7例为不同外伤所致.住
目的 探讨纤维支气管镜刷检细胞学检查的诊断价值。方法 对928例肺癌的纤维支气管镜刷检细胞学检查进行总结。结果 928例肺癌细胞学与病理组织学诊断符合率分别为鳞癌88.1%。腺
A group of agents are intimately cooperated to set the assessment indices, establish the weight of each index in overall result of evaluation, collect the exper