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近两来,农业部为了规范兽药市场,实现对兽药市场的管理更加制度化、法律化,先后出台了《兽药标签和说明书管理办法》和新《兽药管理条例》,这些制度的出台在很大程度上推动了兽药行业的发展,随着GMP认证工作的进一步深入开展,兽药产业将实现全面升级,优胜劣汰在所难免,市场竞争将更加公平、有序。可以说,每一次新规定的出台,目的都是为了整个行业的健康发展,为了企业做大做强,使企业在国内国际市场竞争中增加获胜的筹码。但是,由于各个企业的实际情况不同,而且企业对新规定的实行要有一个适应期和过渡期,在这一期间,企业多少会感到有些不适应。5月9日,农业部办公厅下发了《关于实施兽药标签和说明书备案公布制度的通知》(简称农业部16号文件),在我们看来,这是对《兽药标签和说明书管理办法》的补充,实现严格管理,使标签和说明书的内容真实、准确,不得虚假和夸大,防止出现带有宣传、广告色彩的文字和标识等。虽然有些内容在先前发布的管理办法中都有规定,但据记者了解,这一文件的出台还是在业内产生了一定反响,为此,本刊特约了部分企业代表就此热门话题发表高见,为行业健康发展献计献策。编者按:近两来,农业部为了规范兽药市场,实现对兽药市场的管理更加制度化、法律化,先后出台了《兽药标签和说明书管理办法》和新《兽药管理条例》,这些制度的出 In recent two years, in order to standardize the veterinary drug market, the Ministry of Agriculture has realized the institutionalization and legalization of the veterinary drug market. The Ministry of Agriculture has promulgated the “Measures for the Administration of Veterinary Drug Labeling and Manuals” and the new “Regulation of Veterinary Drugs” To a certain extent, it promoted the development of the veterinary drug industry. With the further development of the GMP certification, the veterinary drug industry will be fully upgraded and the survival of the fittest will be inevitable. The market competition will be more fair and orderly. It can be said that the introduction of each new regulation is aimed at the healthy development of the entire industry, in order to make enterprises bigger and stronger so that enterprises can increase their chances of winning chips in domestic and international markets. However, due to the factual situation of various enterprises is different, and the enterprises have an adjustment period and a transitional period for the implementation of the new regulation, the enterprises will feel somewhat uncomfortable during this period. On May 9, the General Office of the Ministry of Agriculture issued the Notice on Implementing the Record and Publication System of Veterinary Drug Labeling and Manuals (referred to as Document No. 16 of the Ministry of Agriculture for short). In our opinion, this is a measure of the “Measures for the Administration of Veterinary Drug Labeling and Manuals” To achieve strict management, so that the contents of the label and manual true and accurate, shall not be false and exaggerated, to prevent the emergence of promotional, advertising text and logo and so on. Although some of the contents of the previously released management methods are provided, but the reporter understands that the introduction of this document or in the industry had some repercussions, to this end, the press special part of the business representatives on this hot topic of prestige for the industry Healthy development dedication and advice. Editor’s note: In recent two years, in order to standardize the veterinary drug market, the Ministry of Agriculture has become more institutionalized and legalized in veterinary drug market management. It has successively promulgated the Measures for the Administration of Labeling and Manuals of Veterinary Drugs and the Regulations on the Administration of Veterinary Drugs
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