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目的探讨化妆品标签标识的监管对策。方法就化妆品流通领域化妆品标签标识进行采样分析研究。结果与结论化妆品标签标识在化妆品流通过程中具有传递信息、引导消费的重要作用,药监部门应当加强化妆品标签标识的监管,确保化妆品标签标识能够客观、准确地反应化妆品质量状况,在保障消费者使用安全的同时,引导化妆品行业健康有序发展。随着社会经济的发展和人民生活水平的提高,化妆品消费在日常消费品中所占的比例越来越大,其品种、功能、形态不断衍生,化妆品标签标识是直接连接生产厂家与消费者的信息纽带,是消费者选择化妆品消费的关键参考因素。然而,目前化妆品标签标识还存在许多问题,诸如标注内容不真实、标注形式不规范、虚假夸大宣传误导消费者等。针对上述情况,北京市药品监督管理局门头沟分局对辖区化妆品流通领域化妆品标签标识进行采样分析研究,探讨化妆品标签标识监管对策,为进一步规范化妆品市场的监管提供参考依据。 Objective To explore the regulatory measures of cosmetics labeling. Methods Sampling analysis was conducted on cosmetics label in the field of cosmetics circulation. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION Cosmetic label has the important function of transmitting information and guiding consumption in the process of cosmetic circulation. The drug regulatory department should strengthen the supervision of the label of cosmetics and ensure that the label of cosmetics can objectively and accurately reflect the quality of cosmetics, Safe to use at the same time, guide the healthy and orderly development of the cosmetics industry. With the development of society and economy and the improvement of people’s living standard, the proportion of cosmetics consumption in daily consumer goods is more and more large. The varieties, functions and forms are constantly derived. Cosmetics label is the information that directly connects manufacturers and consumers Link, is the key consumer reference consumer choice cosmetics. However, there are still many problems in the current labeling of cosmetic products, such as unrealistic labeling, non-standard labeling, misleading consumers in false exaggeration. In response to the above situation, the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Drug Administration Mentougou branch of the area of ​​cosmetics circulation cosmetics samples tag analysis, to explore the supervision of cosmetics label countermeasures, to further standardize the supervision of the cosmetics market to provide a reference.
松辽盆地白垩系大陆科学钻探松科2井设计井深达6 400m,是东亚地区最深的科学探井。松辽盆地地温梯度高,深层孔隙流体压力组成与分布十分复杂,因此准确预测地层温度和压力,对
2004年3月10日正式启动的永定门城楼复建工程,已于国庆节前夕基本完工。 永定门是明北京城中轴线的南端起点,是明北京城南端的标志性建筑。1950年,为方便交通,拆除永定门瓮城