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说起神农,几乎所有的人都能说出他遍尝百种草药,用自己的身体感受各种药物的疗效和毒性,终于发掘出丰富的草药为老百姓看病的故事。几千年来,祖国的中医中药就是在这些献身于事业的“神农们”的努力下才不断发展起来的。用现代科学研究的眼光看神农尝百草,他实际是在进行个体临床试验,而且是健康受试者使用药物后的安全性试验。但这样做临床试验有很多的弊端。首先是比较危险:所有的药物都最好先用动物进行试验,看到安全的结果后才能用人体进行试验。神农当时就是因为忽视了这一步,自己在尝试草药时中了剧毒,好不容易才恢复了过来。所以我们现在所有的药物都要通过严格的急性毒性动物试验和长期毒性动物试验,当这两种试验证明了药物的安全剂量范围时,我们才能将这个安全剂 Speaking of Shen Nong, almost all of them can say that he was smelling hundreds of herbs, with their own body feel the efficacy and toxicity of various drugs, and finally found a rich herbal medicine for the common people to see a doctor story. For thousands of years, the traditional Chinese medicine of the motherland was continuously developed under the efforts of these devoted “Shennongs”. Shen Nong tasted everything from the perspective of modern scientific research. He is actually conducting individual clinical trials and is a safety test for healthy subjects after using the drugs. However, clinical trials have many drawbacks. The first is more dangerous: all the drugs are best to use animal experiments, see the safety of the results before using the human body to test. Shennong at that time because of this step has been ignored, in the middle of trying herbal medicine was extremely toxic, finally recovered. That’s why all of our drugs now pass rigorous acute toxic animal tests and long-term toxic animal tests, and when both tests demonstrate a safe dose range for the drug, we can safely put the safener
调查结果表明,用常用的喷雾方法在苹果园喷施昆虫病原线虫 S.carpocapsae Agrio-tos 品系防治桃小食心虫,喷雾不够均匀,在一定程度上影响了线虫的寄生率。线虫在苹果园的土壤
目的探讨人参皂甙RH2(G-RH2)对人肺腺癌A549细胞凋亡的影响。方法分析G-RH2对A549细胞周期及细胞凋亡的影响,并检测G-RH2对A549细胞相关基因表达的影响。结果 0~60μmol的G-R
1.公鸡治腰痛法。将刚学会啼叫的公鸡宰杀后加油炒,放500克米醋,不加水,焖至剩小半杯醋时起锅,加少许红糖。1只鸡在1日内分3次服食, 1. Cock governance back pain method.
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Besides(-)-epicatechin,epicatechin-(4β-8 )-epicatechin(procyanidin B2),epicatechin-(4β-6 )-epicatechin (procyanidin B5),epicatechin-(4β-8,2β-O-7)-epicatechi
过氧化酶体增殖剂应答受体(peroxisomeproliferator responsive receptor,PPAR)激活剂含有以下植物的提取物:木槿 Hibiscus syriacus Linn.、葱属 Allium L.植物、缬草 Vale