
来源 :金属科学与工艺 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Augustin413
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文章分析了成型辊缎件在脱模过程中的运动特点,提出了计算型槽实际约束区范围和约束区金属瞬时前滑的公式。公式计算的前滑值与试验值符合得较好。文章同时提出了成型辊缎中不产生干涉的条件以及计算临界前壁角与临界包容角的公式,司供设计成型辊锻模及评价成型辊锻件工艺性时参考。 In this paper, the movement characteristics of forming roll satin during demolding are analyzed, and the formulas for calculating the actual confining area of ​​confining groove and the instantaneous front slip of confining area are proposed. The calculated forward slip value is in good agreement with the test value. The article also put forward the forming roller satin does not interfere with the conditions and calculate the critical angle of the front wall and the critical inclusion angle of the formula for the design of Forging Roll forging die and molding roller Forging process reference.
本文就如何时图书馆的信息资源实行有效的组织管理提出了一些见解,以使图书馆更好地为用户服务,提高社会效益。 This article puts forward some suggestions on how to eff
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