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《为人民服务》、《纪念白求恩》、《愚公移山》,是毛泽东主席写于抗日战争时期的三篇文章。当时的大背景是敌强我弱,环境严酷,外有日本帝国主义的进攻,内有国民党反动派的破坏,中国共产党要求自身的发展壮大,取得对日战争的最终胜利,必须坚持以人民利益为重,吸引、动员绝大多数民众参与才能达到目的。但在革命政权内部,却存在着一些轻视群众、自私自利的问题,毛泽东主席敏锐地意识到了这种倾向,在为纪念张思德同志、白求恩同志、七大闭幕式所做的这三篇文章中,旗帜鲜明地提出一切工作的出发点就是为了人民大众,只要对人民有益,只要对人民有好处,只要代表人民利益,就要积极去做,从而在党内发出号召,倡导为人民服务的精神,批驳自私自利的倾向。毛泽东主席深深懂得,人民,只有人民,才是创造历史的动力,只有时刻不忘人民,时刻以人民利益为重,才能得到人民衷心的拥护,才能从弱到强,不断发展壮大。 “Serving the people”, “commemorating Bethune” and “Yugong Yishan” are three articles written by Chairman Mao Zedong during the Anti-Japanese War. At that time, the background was that the enemy was strong and weak, the environment was harsh, the attacks by Japanese imperialists outside were undermined by the Kuomintang reactionaries, and that the CPC required its own development and growth and the ultimate victory of the war against Japan must be insisted on using the interests of the people as Heavy, attract, mobilize the vast majority of people involved in order to achieve their goals. However, within the revolutionary regime, there are still some issues of contempt for the masses and selfishness. Chairman Mao Zedong was acutely aware of this tendency and in these three articles commemorating Comrade Zhang Dede and Comrade Bethune, the seven closing ceremonies As long as it is good for the people, as long as it is good for the people, as long as it represents the interests of the people, it must actively do it, so that it can make a call within the Party and advocate the spirit of serving the people and criticize it Selfish tendency. Chairman Mao Zedong realized profoundly that the people and the people alone are the motivation for the creation of history. Only when the people are always kept in mind and the interests of the people are always cherished can we win the sincere support of the people so that we can develop from weak to strong and continue to grow and develop.
2002年5月23日 -5月29日 ,由国际机器人足球联合会和韩国科学部举办的第七届机器人足球世界杯在韩国成功举行。作为FIFA世界杯赛的一项科技活动 ,本次比赛被安排在FIFA世界杯赛前一周开幕 ,因此