来源 :Chinese Medical Sciences Journal | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Ben_Chen111
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Objective To study the incidence of leukocytosis and retinoic acid (RA) syndrome in newly diagnosed and relapsed acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) patients treated with arsenic trioxide (ATO). Methods Thirty patients with newly diagnosed or relapsed APL received ATO for remission induction at the dose of 10 mg/d. RA syndrome was defined when patient was with one or more of the following signs or symptoms: fever, dyspnea, serous cavity effusion, muscular pain, pulmonary infiltration, weight gain, or pulmonary infiltration on chest X-ray.Results Twenty-three (77%) patients achieved complete remission, mean time to remission was 37.1 days. Leukocytosis was observed in 14 (47%) patients, mean time to leukocytosis was 12.7 days, median baseline leukocyte count for patients with leukocytosis was 3.1×10 9/L, which was higher than that for patients who did not develop leukocytosis (2.6×10 9/L, z=-2.635, P=0.008). No other cytotoxic therapy was administered, and the leukocytosis resolved in all cases. The RA syndrome was observed in 9 (30%) patients, mean time to diagnose of RA syndrome was 13.9 days, median baseline leukocyte count for patients with RA syndrome was 3.6×10 9/L, which was higher than that for patients who did not develop RA syndrome (2.6×10 9/L, z=-1.909, P=0.046). No patient died of RA syndrome. Conclusion Leukocytosis and RA syndrome are associated with ATO and baseline leukocyte count respectively, and there is distinct link between leukocytosis and RA syndrome. Objective To study the incidence of leukocytosis and retinoic acid (RA) syndrome in newly diagnosed and relapsed acute promyocyocytic leukemia (APL) patients treated with arsenic trioxide (ATO). Methods Thirty patients with newly diagnosed or relapsed APL received ATO for remission induction at the dose of 10 mg / d. RA syndrome was defined when patient was with one or more of the following signs or symptoms: fever, dyspnea, serous cavity effusion, muscular pain, pulmonary infiltration, weight gain, or pulmonary infiltration on chest X-ray The results were Twenty-three (77%) patients achieved complete remission, mean time to remission was 37.1 days. Leukocytosis was observed in 14 (47%) patients, mean time to leukocytosis was 12.7 days, median baseline leukocyte count for patients with leukocytosis was 3.1 × 10 9 / L, which was higher than that for patients who did not develop leukocytosis (2.6 × 10 9 / L, z = -2.635, P = 0.008). No other cytotoxic therapy was administered, and the leukocytosis resolved in all cases. The RA syndrome was observed in 9 (30%) patients, mean time to diagnose of RA syndrome was 13.9 days, median time to leukocyte count for patients with RA syndrome was 3.6 × 10 9 / L, which was higher than that for Patients who did not develop RA syndrome (2.6 × 10 9 / L, z = -1.909, P = 0.046). No patient died of RA syndrome. Conclusion Leukocytosis and RA syndrome are associated with ATO and baseline leukocyte count respectively, and there is distinct link between leukocytosis and RA syndrome.
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她出生在1985年,是家中的老二,按理来说是没有资格来到这个世界上的。但是,她却名正言顺地降临了,因为,她的姐姐是个弱智。  小时候,不止一次听母亲说,其实姐姐刚出生时是正常的。当时因为家里穷,母亲生姐姐时没有上医院,是在家里请的产婆,产婆年龄大了,再加之难产,刚出生的姐姐得了破伤风,三天两头抽风。终于,在最严厉的一次抽风过后,姐姐的智商有了很大的影响,那时姐姐已经五岁。  日子是昏天暗地的,直到
德、智、体、美、劳在教育活动中是相互联系不可分的。体育对德育的作用 ,无论在广度和强度、时间和形式 ,都具有重要意义。实践证明体育也是进行德育教育的有效途径 Moral,
In the study of antlfolate quinazoline compounds using the method of CoMFA (comparative of molecular field analysis) , the introduction of the physical-chemica
最近,我收到一位热心读者的来信,她在信中苦恼地写到:“我和丈夫是自由恋爱多年,冲破家庭的阻力才结为秦晋之好的。当初恋爱时,他是我心目中理想的白马王子,而他对我百依百顺,有求必应。可是结婚刚两年,他就仿佛变了一个人一般,对我不像以前温柔体贴,有时还为一些家庭琐事与我争吵。丈夫为何婚前婚后不一样,竟然判若两人?”  类似的现象在现实生活中并非罕见,可以说一点都不奇怪。究其原因在以下几方面:首先是真实自