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党的十一届三中全会以来,农村第一轮土地承包已经到期,现已进行第二轮新的承包,并且30年不变。为了稳定农村经济政策,巩固土地承包成果,调动广大农民耕种积极性,保证第二轮土地承包工作顺利进行,必须有一定的科学依据和工作方法。在实行农村土地承包的同时,及时建立农村土地承包档案,以备日后查找和利用,真正把农村土地政策落到实处。一、提高建立农村土地承包档案的认识实行农村土地承包责任制后,打破了过去那种以生产队为基础集体管理的形式,变为以户为基础的个人管理的私营形式。由于管理分散,耕作多样化,土地的多和少、好与坏直接涉及承包户的切身利益,因此, Since the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Party, the first round of land contract in rural areas has expired and the second round of new contracting has now been carried out and remains unchanged for 30 years. In order to stabilize rural economic policies, consolidate the land contract achievements, arouse the enthusiasm of the majority of farmers to cultivate, and ensure the smooth progress of the second round of land contracting, we must have certain scientific basis and working methods. In the implementation of rural land contract at the same time, the timely establishment of rural land contract file for future search and use, the real land policy in rural areas come true. I. Raising awareness of the establishment of rural land contractual files Having implemented the rural land contractual responsibility system, the private-owned form of collective management based on production teams was changed to a private form of household-based personal management. Due to the diversification of management, the diversification of cultivated land, the more and less land, the good and the bad are directly related to the immediate interests of contractors,
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农村改革以来,随着农业生产活动的个体化、人口流动及市场化日渐渗入农村社会经济生活,乡村公共生活在总体上呈现衰落之势的同时,也表现出明 Since the rural reform, with