Formal Synthesis of (+)-Altholactone by Stereoselective Epoxidation Using Magnesium Monoperoxyphthal

来源 :Chinese Journal of Chemistry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:java_xz
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Synthesis of (+)-altholactone has been achieved starting from L-tartaric acid using (2S,3R,4R,5R)-2-hydroxymethyl-3,4-bis(methoxymethoxy)-5-phenyltetrahydrofuran as key intermediate. The key epoxy ring was introduced by monoperoxyphthalate (MMPP) in high stereoselectivity (8.4∶1). Synthesis of (+) - altholactone has been achieved starting from L-tartaric acid using (2S, 3R, 4R, 5R) -2-hydroxymethyl- 3,4-bis (methoxymethoxy) -5-phenyltetrahydrofuran as key intermediate. The key epoxy ring was introduced by monoperoxyphthalate (MMPP) in high stereoselectivity (8.4: 1).
正月十四和元宵节这两天,山湖村里以项王两家和唐家为首的两个村落,接连表演傩戏,让整个山村充满着节日的喜庆。  然而热闹掩盖不了傩戏传承的尴尬,表演傩戏踩地马的四童子是很难才凑起来的,表演高跷马的年轻人是被族长“强行”留下来的。至于傩戏唱腔,除了老人已经很难有年轻人续唱。族长说,留住傩戏,就留住了乡村念想,有了念想,乡村的风景就在。  山湖村的节日  鞭炮轰鸣,铳声响起。  每年正月,九华山下的乡村
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(东京:黑潮出版社,2007年版)Hopper&Thompson(1980)以英语为主要研究对象,提出及物性假说(Transitivity Hypothesis),但这一假说的普遍性多年来不断经受质疑和修正。本书即在