
来源 :湖南教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jasmineonbridges
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传统的作文训练方法基本上只有命题作文一项,且命题方式古板,限得过死。这就难怪学生叫苦不迭。为了改变这种状况,我作了如下一些探索。分步训练,化难为易。学生之所以视命题作文为畏途,原因之一是这种作文形式对综合运用知识的要求较高,写起来难度较大,而人的认识总是由浅入深、由易到难、由简单到复杂的。因此,我在训练过程中,把综合性较强的大作文变成分解式的小作文,让学生逐个击 The traditional composition training method basically has only one proposition composition, and the proposition method is old-fashioned and limited to death. It is no wonder that students are complaining. In order to change this situation, I made some explorations as follows. Step-by-step training makes it hard to change. One of the reasons why students think of propositional composition as a fearful way is that this form of writing has a higher requirement for the comprehensive application of knowledge, and it is more difficult to write, and people’s understanding is always from shallow to deep, easy to difficult, and simple. complicated. Therefore, in the course of training, I turned the large comprehensive composition into a decomposed small composition and let students hit one by one.
山在水里,水在山里。一匹马在水里奔跑。水的尽头,没有山,也没有水。一匹马站住。一匹马只好站住。马到一个尽头,不会就那么等着,让 Mountain in the water, water in the m
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这天,心血来潮,有件开心的事情,很想找个家人分享。看着书桌旁母亲的遗照,心中暗道:“如果妈妈在,我就可以跟她说了!” This day, whim, a happy thing, I really want to f