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国际文化交流音像出版社出品 一声枪响打破了星湖宾馆的平静。八岁的女孩钱维维被一颗从窗外射入的子弹击中头部,当场死亡。很快,刑警队长李大为和刑警西阳便将枪杀钱维维的犯罪嫌疑人胡健捕获,经过突击审讯,罪犯对犯罪事实供认不讳。胡健的妈妈到星光律师事务所,哀求著名律师林光为儿子出庭辩护,在胡母及同事的请求下,林光接下了此案并进行了大 International Cultural Exchange Audio and Video Publishing House produced a gunshot broke the peace of Star Lake Hotel. Eight-year-old girl Qian Weiwei was hit by a bullet shot from the window hit the head, died on the spot. Soon, Interpol Captain Li Dawei and Interpol Xiyang shoot Qian Weiwei suspects Hu Jian captured, after a surprise trial, the criminal confession of the facts of the crime. Hu’s mother went to Xing Guang Law Firm and pleaded with the famous lawyer Lin Guang to defend his son in court. At the request of Hu Mu and his colleagues, Lin Guang took the case and conducted a large
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