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李辉、吴明在《湖北省股份制企业的党建工作》一文中认为,现在股份制企业党建工作遇到的问题主要有五个:“新三会”——股东会、董事会、监事会和“老三会”——党委会、职代会、工会的关系难处理,工作中往往撞车;与股份制企业领导体制相适应的党建工作难以开展,有些企业把党组织机构改得面目全非,甚至不留党务工作人员,党委书记没有进入董事会,党组织参与决策和管理干部的条件受削弱;党委参与决策及党的活动缺乏制度保证,使一些人感到党组织在企业内没有地位;企业职工普遍持股,带来一些负面影响,党员、职工思想发生变化,集体主义、奉献精神和社会主义观念逐渐淡薄;地方党委掌握政策不统一,影响了国有资产保值增值和企业干部、职工的积极性,对企业家队伍建设缺乏系统的措施,存在着重改轻管,重审批轻监督、重行政轻党务的倾向。针对上述这些问题,作者建议:1、要按照党的十四大和党章对企业党组织的要求,明确股份制企业党组织的地位 Li Hui and Wu Ming pointed out in his article entitled “Party Building Work in Joint-stock Enterprises in Hubei Province” that there are mainly five problems encountered in the party construction in joint-stock enterprises: the “new three associations” - the shareholders’ meeting, the board of directors and the board of supervisors, Will "- Party committees, the workers’ congress, trade unions are difficult to deal with the relationship, often crashes at work; party construction work compatible with the joint-stock enterprise leadership system difficult to carry out, and some enterprises to change the party organization beyond recognition, or even leave the party work Party members did not enter the board of directors, the conditions for the party’s participation in decision-making and management of cadres were weakened. Party committees’ participation in decision-making and party activities lacked institutional guarantees that made some people feel that party organizations had no place in the enterprise; that corporate employees generally held shares Some party members and staffs changed their mindset, and their concept of collectivism, dedication and socialism gradually became weak. The lack of uniformity in policies mastered by local party committees affected the enthusiasm of the state-owned assets in preserving and increasing their value, the cadres and employees of state-owned enterprises, and building the ranks of entrepreneurs In the absence of systematic measures, there is a tendency to redouble their efforts to supervise and re-criticize and supervise the administration of light party affairs. In response to these problems, the author suggests: 1, according to the party’s fourteenth congress and the party’s requirements of the party organizations, a clear corporate status of joint-stock enterprises
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