
来源 :中国油画 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xuanchen21
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于建华在国内油画写生界也算一人物,特别是在江西一带。他虽生长于江西,但外貌特征让人一看就知是山东人。其父母是南下干部,祖上无一人同画界有关,可他却走上了一条和家人截然不同的道路。他的长相属典型的脸谱化的艺术家外形,一脸络腮胡子,一年四季衣服上都留存着无法洗净的油画颜色。他的笑声极富感染力,清朗浑厚,嗓音极佳。若比美声唱法,我敢说他在国内油画界中绝对称得上一流、专业。建华长我几岁,但他的热情豪爽,竟让我一见如故。当我第一次在他的画室,看到他近几年积累的近千张大大小小的写生作品时,我被深深地震撼了。那一幅幅不同地 Yu Jianhua in the domestic painting sketches are also considered a figure, especially in the vicinity of Jiangxi. Although he grew up in Jiangxi, but the appearance of people look at Shandong people. His parents were cadres going south, and none of the ancestors were related to the field of painting, but he took a very different path from his family. His looks are typical of the masked artist’s appearance, his face bearded, the colors of the oil that can not be washed on his clothes all year round. His laughter is contagious, clear and vigorous, his voice is excellent. If the United States than the United States singing, I dare say he is absolutely 堪称 in the domestic painting industry first-class, professional. Jianhua how long I am old, but his warm and generous, actually let me see it as before. When I first saw his nearly a thousand large and small sketches in recent years in his studio, I was deeply shocked. That range is different