Correlation Between Chemical Element Contents in Tree Rings and Soils

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The annual growth rings of ten trees and the soils near the tree roots were sampled from the mining area of lead-and zinc-dominant metals in the Xixia Mountain, Nanjing, for the determination of chemical element contents. The study results showed that the elemental contents in the tree rings were correlated with those in the soils, i. e., the elemental contents in the tree rings increased with those in the soils, even in the cases of different environments and different tree species. Therefore, a time-concentration sequence could be set up on the basis of determining the elemental contents in the successive annual growth rings of trees to qualitatively reflect the annual variations of relevant elements in the soils, and a time-concentration sequence of elemental contents in soils could also be established in terms of related model to reproduce the dynamic changes of the surroundings. The annual growth rings of ten trees and the soils near the tree roots were sampled from the mining area of ​​lead-and zinc-dominant metals in the Xixia Mountain, Nanjing, for the determination of chemical element contents. The study results showed that the elemental contents in the tree rings were correlated with those in the soils, ie, the elemental contents in the tree rings increased with those those in the soils, even in the cases of different environments and different tree species. Therefore, a time-concentration sequence could be set up on the basis of determining the elemental contents in the successive annual growth rings of trees to qualitatively reflect the annual variations of relevant elements in the soils, and a time-concentration sequence of elemental contents in soils could also be established in terms of related model to reproduce the dynamic changes of the surroundings.
摘要:  实施高校思想政治理论课话语体系创新,需要推动思想政治理论课教材体系、话语表达方式创新,进一步创新思想政治理论课话语传播方式,需要发挥马克思主义理论在高校思想政治理论课话语体系创新与传播过程中的引领作用,化解意识形态面临的严峻态势,促进思想政治理论课话语体系创新与中国特色社会主义进入新时代的伟大实践有机结合,推动国内马克思主义与国外马克思主义研究相结合。  关键词:高校思想政治理论课;话语
Results of a 10-year decomposition experiment indicated that the annual mineralization rate of organic N in newly-formed humus varied with the type of original
摘要:  提升高校思想政治理论课(简称思政课)教学质量有三个着力点,其一是体现“独立性”,即承担“三个统一”任务的马克思主义学院必须独立设置;其二是“重视度”,即通过“领导上讲台”等具体形式充分表现对思政课的认知认同认可;其三是“规范化”,即思政课教学是按照自身的规律和特点进行规范化的运行。  关键词:思想政治理论课;教学质量;着力点  DOI:10.15938/j.cnki.iper.2018.
摘要:  从课程论视角看,高校思想政治理论课的课程实施中存在着“要素—关系”选择困难、对课程文化特性的认同不足而致的课程文化“漂移”以及课程对学生行为的指导乏术、引领作用不足等方面的实践误区。思想政治理论课教师必须从课程性质、课程形态、课程目标、课程内容、课程文化等方面对课程本身进行反思,重建以实践为中心、以发展为主题的课程观。新的课程观要求教师既要重新认识课程,还要在课程的具体教学过程中实施观念
摘要:  专题教学是教材体系向教学体系转化的有效途径,是当前高校思想政治理论课普遍采用的授课方式。专题设计是该教学模式运用中的关键环节,必须遵守贯穿主线、问题导向、逻辑清晰三条基本原则。贯穿主线,即在专题体系设计过程中,必须紧紧围绕课程目标,贯穿“人类解放和人类社会发展规律”这一理论主线。问题导向,即在专题教学内容的设计过程中,直接抓准课程教学的中心问题作为切入点,以解疑释惑为导向。逻辑清晰,即以