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随着教学改革广泛而深入的开展,随着数学教学中政治思想教育的不断加强,关于数学史的教学問題,日益引起了广大教师的注意。正确地进行数学史的教学,已經是摆在我們每一个数学教师面前的光荣任务。为此,揭露和批判反映在数学史教学中的形形色色的資产阶級教育思想和学术观点,就成为非常必要。在数学史的教学中,反映出来的資产阶級教育思想和学术观点主要有哪些呢? 一曰“捎带論”。“捎带論”者說,“数学史教学是捎带任务,可有可无,伸縮性很大。”他們认为,所謂数学教学,就是“纯”数学知識的教学,至于数学史嘛,据說是“附属品”,是不在数学教学范围之內的。于是,在教学实践中,时間充裕了就多讲些,时間紧迫了就少讲些,甚或干脆就被挤掉了。即使如此,教者仍心安理得,并沒有觉得自己沒有完成教学任务。有的教师对自己熟悉的問題大讲特讲,对自己不熟悉的就避而不談,而不管这些問題的价值如何。也有的从兴趣出发,专門介紹“数学小掌故”,把数学史教学庸俗化了。数学史教学果真是不关要紧的“附属品”嗎?絕不 With the extensive and in-depth development of teaching reform, with the continuous strengthening of political and ideological education in mathematics teaching, the teaching of mathematics history has increasingly attracted the attention of teachers. Correctly teaching mathematics history is already a glorious task placed before each of our mathematics teachers. To this end, it is necessary to expose and criticize the various bourgeois educational ideas and academic viewpoints reflected in the teaching of the history of mathematics. In the teaching of mathematics history, what are the main bourgeois educational thoughts and academic opinions reflected? The “believers” said that “the teaching of mathematics history is a task of abandonment, but it is optional and highly scalable.” They think that the so-called mathematics teaching is the teaching of “pure” mathematics knowledge. As for the history of mathematics, it is said to be “ ”Accessories“ are not within the scope of mathematics teaching. Therefore, in the teaching practice, more time is needed to speak more, and when the time is tight, there is less talk about it, or even it is simply crowded out. Even so, the teacher is still convinced and does not feel that he has not completed the teaching task. Some teachers give special lectures on the issues they are familiar with, and they avoid talking about what they are not familiar with, regardless of the value of these issues. Some also set out from the interest, specifically introducing the ”small mathematics“ and vulgarizing the teaching of mathematics history. Is the history of mathematics really an ”appendix" that matters?
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一 現行中学数学教学大綱所提出的中学数学教学的目的任务,对有关的各个方面大体上都提到了,而且基本上是符合党的教育方針的。但是有些提得不够明确,不够突出的地方。比如