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阅读教学是高中语文教学中不可或缺的环节,新课程理念格外重视对高中生的阅读能力的培养,因此提升高中生的语文阅读能力就成为当前各个教师所共同致力于研究的重要问题。笔者总结自身多年的高中语文教学经验,针对提升高中生语文阅读能力提出了几点措施,旨在为推动高中语文阅读教学的发展贡献自己的绵薄之力。 Reading teaching is an indispensable link in Chinese teaching of senior high school. The concept of new curriculum pays special attention to the training of senior high school students’ reading ability. Therefore, raising the reading ability of senior high school students has become an important issue for all teachers to work together on. The author sums up his many years of high school Chinese teaching experience and puts forward some measures to improve senior high school students’ reading ability in order to contribute their contribution to the development of high school Chinese reading teaching.
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Element profiles of some beach rock samples collected from South East Coast of Tamilnadu, India have been determined using single comparator method of INAA. The
语文教学中运用启发式教学法可以让学生自主学习,让学生在学习中体会到快乐,在思考中体会到成长,让语文教学变被动为主动,让学生成为课堂的主人。 The use of heuristic tea