【摘 要】
Jackson Pollock was born inWyoming,U.S.A.on January 28,1912.At the age of 13,Pollock en-tered a high school in Los Angeles.When he was there,he developedan int
Jackson Pollock was born inWyoming,U.S.A.on January 28,1912.At the age of 13,Pollock en-tered a high school in Los Angeles.When he was there,he developedan interest in art and in 1929 hemoved east and became a seriousstudent of art there.However,he was not someonewho could be satisfied with tradi-tional ways of painting.He found
Jackson Pollock was born in Wyoming, USA on January 28, 1912. At the age of 13, Pollock en-tered a high school in Los Angeles. When he was there, he developedan interest in art and in 1929 hemoved east and became a seriousstudent of art there.However, he was not someonewho could be satisfied with tradi-tional ways of painting.He found
摘 要:讲评课的效率直接制约着复习效率。要想上好讲评课:首先,要充分了解学生的“练情”;其次,要评点分析培养学生解题能力;再次,要总结拓展深化学生的认识。 关键词:讲评课 练情 评讲分析 总结拓展 讲评课是复习时的常见课型,讲评课的好坏直接制约着课堂的复习效率,影响着学生的学业成绩,怎样上好讲评课,使讲评课的效率最大化,是语文教师必须思考的问题之一。引发我对讲评课教学思考的是上学期期末考试
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一、背景资料 江苏省教育厅于2009年暑假前期向全省教育界提出了“五严”要求(见《江苏省素质教育十项规定》),其中指出:初中学生平时一天在校时间不得超过七小时;周六、周日及国家规定的其他节假日不得以任何理由补课等。 二、崭新课题 这些规定发布并受到严格执行以后,学生的在校时间大大缩短,课余时间则大大增加,这无疑有利于推动素质教育。但学生在七小时外将干些什么,能否真正地利用好课余时间发展和提高
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