Setting and Strength Characteristics of Alkali-activated Carbonatite Cementitious Materials with Gro

来源 :Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(Materials Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xqdd520cn
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The effect of the ground granulated blast-furnace slag (GGBFS) addition, the modulus n ( mole ratio of SiO_2 to Na_2O) and the concentration of sodium silicate solution on the compressive strength of the material, i e alkali-activated carbonatite cementitious material (AACCM for short) was investigated. In addition, it is found that barium chloride has a satisfactory retarding effect on the setting of AACCM in which more than 20% (by mass) ground carbonatite was replaced by GGBFS. As a result, a cementitious material, in which ground carbonatite rock served as dominative starting material, with 3-day and 28-day compressive strength greater than 30 MPa and 60 MPa and with continuous strength gain beyond 90 days was obtained. The effect of the ground granulated blast-furnace slag (GGBFS) addition, the modulus n (mole ratio of SiO 2 to Na 2 O) and the concentration of sodium silicate solution on the compressive strength of the material, ie alkali-activated carbonatite cementitious material (AACCM for short) was investigated. In addition, it was found that barium chloride has a satisfactory retarding effect on the setting of AACCM in which more than 20% (by mass) ground carbonatite was replaced by GGBFS. As a result, a cementitious material, in which ground carbonatite rock served as dominative starting material, with 3-day and 28-day compressive strength greater than 30 MPa and 60 MPa and with continuous strength gain greater than 90 days was obtained.
患儿男,出生2天,系孕30周早产儿.因出生时窒息,患儿反应差、紫绀、气促、抽搐而入院.出生时体重2.1 kg.入院时体检:体温35.5 ℃,血压85/50 mm Hg(1 mm Hg=0.133 kPa),呼吸55次/ min,心率160次/min,心音低钝,律齐,各瓣膜区未闻及病理性杂音;腹部未见异常.第2天患儿心电监护显示波异常,心率明显减慢至85次/ min;体检明显紫绀,心音遥远,明显腹胀
特级教师于永正经常告诉学生:“于老师上课最喜欢发言说错的学生,我要给他发特等奖;发言正确的,只能得一等奖!”闻者无不愕然。于老师目的何在?难道仅仅是为了调动学生的发言积极性吗?其实,这段话的背后隐藏着于老师一个清晰的教育理念:错误,也是一种宝贵的教学资源!  错误是学习过程中正常而普遍的现象。因小学生的知识背景、思维方式、情感体验等和成人不同,他们的表达方式可能又不准确,学习中难免会出现各种各样的
目前 ,突发性耳聋的治疗方法很多 ,但总体疗效仍不令人满意。我科于 1997年 5月~ 2 0 0 0年 2月对 6 2例患者采用脉络宁治疗 ,并与常规药物组比较 ,结果报道如下。1 临床资料
摘要:善于发现问题,提出问题,是一切发明创造的基础。“好问”是孩子的天性。我们在教学中须切实重视培养学生的问题意识,让学生在创新中学习,在学习中创新。有问必有思,有思必有果。因此,课堂教学要引导学生积极主动地在自主、合作、探究的学习过程中努力地发现问题,提出问题,解决问题,使学生敢问、想问、乐问、会问、好问,由此获得基础知识和基本技能。  关键词:课堂教学;提问;好问    课堂提问是一种常见的、