怎样抓住机遇,进一步解放思想,是当前企业改革和发展的首要问题。但思想解放的突破口选在哪里?这是很值得认真研究的。从企业实际出发,以我所见,应从以下几个方面进一步加大解放思想的力度。 1、在所有制结构和实现形式上进一步解放思想,牢固树立以公有制为主体、多种所有制经济共同发展的观念。要按照“三个有利于”原则,努力寻找能够极大促进生产力发展的公有制实现形式,力争在加快企业股份制改造;所属优势企业包装上市;内外合资组建适合发展需要的股份制企业和专业化公司;对小企业实行股份合作制;探索对企业内部职工集体入股;加快所属企业股权多元化步伐等方面,尽快有所突破。
How to seize the opportunity and further emancipate the mind are the primary issues in the current enterprise reform and development. But where are the breakthroughs in ideological emancipation? It is worth studying seriously. From the reality of the enterprise, in my opinion, we should further increase the intensity of emancipating the mind from the following aspects. 1. Further emancipate the mind in the ownership structure and the realization form, and firmly establish the concept that public ownership should be the mainstay and various forms of ownership economy develop side by side. In accordance with the principle of “three benefits,” we must strive to find a public-ownership realization that can greatly promote the development of the productive forces and strive to speed up the reform of the shareholding system of enterprises. The advantageous enterprises are listed on the market. Joint-stock companies and specialized companies, The implementation of joint-stock cooperative system for small enterprises; exploration of collective shares of employees within the enterprise; accelerate the pace of diversification of their ownership and other aspects of business, as soon as possible a breakthrough.