Smaller Xia Xiajia Fuling soup single fried and co-fried the difference between. Polysaccharides were extracted by water extraction and alcohol precipitation method, and the content of polysaccharides was determined by glucose standard. The UV detection wavelength was 198nm. The differences of UV scanning between single decoction and co-decoction were compared by peak position and absorbance. Small Pinellia plus Poria Decoction decoction extraction of polysaccharides more than a single decoction, single Decoction and decoction UV scanning is basically the same, the decoction of the higher absorbance value. Small Pinellia plus Poria Decoction combined decoction than single decoction is excellent, still can not fully explain whether the use of decocted particles to tune the small Pinellia Poria to replace the traditional decoction.