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各位代表同志们:我的发言是补充周主席昨天报告中的两个问题,一个是一九五○年的任务;一个是新纪录运动。甲、关于一九五○年的任务一九五○年吉林省的工业有以下这几项任务:(一)修建两个工厂——一是江南化学厂,一是范家屯糖厂这两个工厂,去年已经开始恢复,今年继续修建。这两厂在省营工业的生产价值上讲是占重要地位的:江南化学厂年产四千八百亿,糖厂今年也在两千亿以上,合起来则超过去年省营工业的生产总值。因此修好这两个厂子是今年的重要任务。计划着范家屯糖厂七月完工,十月生产。江南化学厂是五月底基本完工,六月正式生产。(二)几个工厂增加设备:第一是桦甸油母页岩矿,五○年计划二千二百吨原油,东北人民政府要咱们提高百分之三十·因此要增设三十二根油管的制油炉,现正着手进行中。第二是亚蔴工厂,它是生产水龙带和水龙布的,这在防火防水上对于经济建设及保护国家资财都很重要,去年生产水龙带的机器只有九台,今年全年要增加三十一台。第三是二道甸子金矿,虽说去年已建立起来,但机器设备还很简漏,工业部要咱们改善设备,否则回收率不能提高对于国家富源的浪费是很大的,因此咱们计划着今年下半年把球磨机再建设起来。第四 Distinguished comrades, my statement is to supplement two points in Chairman Zhou’s report yesterday, one of which was the task of 1950 and the other was a new record-keeping movement. A. The task of 1950 In 1950, the industries in Jilin Province had the following tasks: (i) building two factories - one was the Jiangnan Chemical Factory and the other was the Fanjiatun Sugar Factory Last year has begun to resume, continue construction this year. The two factories occupy an important position in the production value of provincial-run industries: the annual output of 480 million in the Jiangnan Chemical Plant and the output of the sugar mills more than 200 billion in this year, which together exceed the total production of the provincial-owned factories last year value. Therefore, repairing these two factories is an important task for this year. Fanjiatun sugar factory plans to be completed in July, October production. Jiangnan Chemical Plant is basically completed by the end of May, the official production in June. (II) Equipment addition at several factories: The first is the Huadian shale oil shale mine with a planned annual 2,200 tons of crude oil and the Northeast People’s Government to increase its production by 30%. Therefore, an additional 32 oil pipelines Oil furnace, is now under way. The second is the flax factory, which produces hoses and hoses. This is important for economic development and for the protection of state capital in fire and water resistance. Last year, there were only nine machines for producing hoses. This year, it will have to increase by 30 One The third is Erdaodianzi gold mine. Although it was set up last year, the machinery and equipment are still very short and the Ministry of Industry wants us to improve the equipment. Otherwise, the recovery rate can not be increased, which is a great waste for the country’s Fuyuan. Therefore, we plan for this year In the second half to build the ball mill again. fourth
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十八只金锅露了面, 十八块金砖露了边, 只要能找到一件, 便富了九州十八县。在沙城正北,约二十里,有一座水口山。关于它,流传着这样一首民歌。跟这首用意很深的民歌连在一起
“我们的山,都是宝山。” 我们是看过很多海了。榆林港的海,北部湾的海,琼州海峡的海。当我们听到一位山区的县委书记向我们宣传他们的山时,都禁不住起了探山的念头。尽管山
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昭君墓在呼和浩特南部 9公里大黑河南岸的冲积平原上。墓表为人工夯筑的封土堆 ,高 33米 ,占地面积约 3万多平方米 ,整座封土堆青草如茵。可能由于游牧民族崇尚青色或远望封