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西藏地处祖国西部边陲,经过几十年来的艰苦努力,公路事业有了突飞猛进的发展。“八五”末全区公路通车总里程达到22391公里,承担客运量年平均278万人次,货运总量1995年达140万吨。养护管理实行“条块结合”的公路管养体制,区公路管理局作为全区公路的行业管理部门,负责全区除公路建设以外的公路养、管、征工作的。 “八五”期间,广泛开展符合西藏实际的“西藏标准路”工程和公路小改善活动,实行了标准化、规范化、图表化管理,修建“西藏标准路”1600多公里。公路养护工作得到了加强,养护质量明显提高。“八五”期末,全区设养公路油路好路率年平均60.82%,平均综合值61.6;支线平均好路率45.3%,平均综合值59.8,。交通规费征收取得了可喜成绩,1995年征收养路费 Tibet is located in the western border of the motherland. After decades of hard work, the highway has enjoyed rapid development. At the end of the “Eighth Five-Year Plan”, the total length of highway opened to traffic in the entire district reached 22,391 km, taking the annual average of 2.78 million passengers and the total volume of freight traffic reaching 1.4 million tons in 1995. The maintenance and management of the implementation of “bar combination” of the road maintenance system, the District Highway Administration as the region’s road industry management department, in addition to the region responsible for the construction of roads other than highway construction, management, requisitions. During the “85” period, a wide range of “Tibet Standard Roads” projects and small road improvement activities that conform to the actual conditions in Tibet were carried out and standardized, standardized and charted management was implemented and more than 1,600 kilometers of “Tibet Standard Roads” were built. Highway maintenance work has been strengthened, the quality of conservation improved significantly. At the end of the “Eighth Five-Year Plan” period, the average annual good road mileage of rehabilitated highways and highways in the region was 60.82% on average, with an average consolidated value of 61.6; the average revenue of the sub-branches was 45.3% and the average consolidated value was 59.8%. Traffic regulations have achieved gratifying results in collecting road maintenance fees in 1995
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