Make Predictions

来源 :中学生英语·学生综合天地 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lcxlllwho
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  The future is unknown. However, we can make predictions. 美国一家公司研发了一款“预言魔镜”,如同童话故事《白雪公主》中王后的那面能说出世界上最美丽者的名字的魔镜一样,能够让人看到自己未来的容貌。开发这样一款魔镜的目的在于激励人们改掉诸如暴饮暴食、吸烟、酗酒等坏习惯,从而更加健康地生活。你未来会是什么样子呢?会做些什么呢?有没有思考过这些问题吗?下面是www.livetalk.com网站的BBS上进行的讨论,看看网友Lisa、Mike、Sally、Alan和Anna他们都说了些什么?
  ( )1. __________ is NOT what they are talking about.
  A. What tomorrow will be like B. What they will do in the future
  C. How much money they will make D. What kind of job they want to have in the future
  ( )2. What does Mike think of his job?
  A. He really likes it. B. He is tired of it. C. He thinks it’s difficult. D. He thinks it pays well.
  ( )3. Which of the following may be Anna’s opinion?
  A. Learning history is helpful. B. Thinking about the future is useless.
  C. We should do our best today. D. Dreams will come true sooner or later.
  ( )4. What does the word “unknown” mean in Chinese?
  A. 无名的 B. 未知的 C. 不存在的 D. 无法接受的
  ( )5. We can learn from the passage that __________.
  A. Lisa is sure about what to do in the future B. Sally lives a happy life, and she enjoys it
  C. Alan doesn’t have a clear plan for tomorrow D. Mike may have the most colorful future
一、 对应词语归纳篇  Ⅰ. 反义词 “看过来”  1. ask—answer2. come—go3. buy—sell4. bring—take  5. like—dislike6. cheap—expensive7. black—white8. early—late  9. first—last10. found—lost11. good—bad12. big—small  13. long—
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《中学生英语》九年级以“好学英语其乐无穷,学好英语终身受用”为办刊理念,寓知识性、趣味性、娱乐性和实用性于一体,倡导“快乐学习”,杂志定位是依据新目标九年级教材进行同步辅导,系统复习初中阶段所学基础知识,指导学生备战中考。    一、主要栏目介绍  与你同行  1. 学习目标引领:单元背景知识及相关阅读、知识要点归纳等。  2. 热点考点导航:①单元知识要点剖析与演练:全面精讲解核心词汇、短语和句
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