On the issue of realism, Marxist founders set forth a new stage in the development of their point of view, as indicated above, beginning in the late 1950s. It is also from this period that Marx and Engels began to use “realism” not as a general philosophy or as an important category of practice because the term “realism” has its significance in their early writings, and Use it as a term in the history of literature and the history of aesthetics. The tragedy of the letter “Franz von Zijingen”, which we wrote to Ferdinand Larsall on May 18, 1859, which we analyzed exclusively, was the first Met with the new meaning of the term “realism.” The tragedy “Franz von Zijingen” was written by Lazar in 1858-1859. Lazar put a dramatic story in the history of the sixteenth century in Germany. A knightly revolt of Swabian and the Rhine in 1522-522, as the plot base of his tragedy