“Martial Law Night” was first serialized in “Novel Trendy” magazine. In March 1980, the booklet was published by Xinchao Shek in March of that year and was adapted into a movie of the same name in July of that year. This article through a group of famous paintings missing - found - missing again story, not only shows the post-war Japan, Chile and other countries social situation, but also involves many of the world art history knowledge. Although the author serialized this novel when he stated that “the story of the novel is purely fictional,” the writer’s creation attitude is still relatively serious in the light of the reference to 68 reference materials that the author wrote this novel. Based on some facts, the fiction and art processing, such as fictionalizing the characters such as Lopez and Minghai Wangyang, make the novels contain the legend and the mysterious color, making the reading a kind of complicated and confusing feeling, This is perhaps the last striking feature of the author’s creation. From this work, one can easily see the author’s dislike of hegemonism and his worries about world politics. In his book, “The Author’s Words,” he said: “The three Pablo who weirdly died in 1973 may have foretold the end of an era. What kind of time has come between them? It is not clear, but there is a hunch that the future will surely be a martial law era. ”This passage is not a major intent the author wants to tell readers in the book, which needs to be read afresh by the reader. This article is based on the new edition of 1980’s May, 1980, edited and sometimes abridged.