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有色金属在汽车工业中的使用量增长据伦敦的布鲁克·享特联合公司的调研报告称,汽车产量的增长及每辆汽车上主要有色金属使用量的增加,将使90年代汽车工业对主要有色金属的需求量进一步增长。但据路透社发表的金属工业分析家所作的关于汽车工业的最新报告认为,下个世... Nonferrous Metals Increases in the Automotive Industry According to a research report by Brook Hood Associates in London, the increase in car production and the increase in the use of major non-ferrous metals per car will make the auto industry less responsive to the major colored Demand for metal further increased. However, according to the latest report by the metal industry analyst released by Reuters on the automobile industry, the next world ...
本文首先以口译所要达成的效果为着眼点,指出口译在某种意义上就是一种演讲,继而基于笔者自身的实践经验,阐述了口译中潜藏的公众演讲技巧以及口译过程中的注意事项。 This
现代汽车广泛采用硅整流发电机,它结构简单、维修方便,但若在使用和维护中,稍不注意,就会容易产生故障,甚至引起烧蚀和损坏。硅整流发电机的常见故障故障分析见附表。 Hyun
A metamorphic GaInP/GaAs/GaInAs/Ge multi-junction solar cell with InAs quantum dots is investigated, and the analytical expression of the energy conversion effi
With a chirped InAs/GaAs SML-QD (quantum dot) structure serving as the active region, the superluminescent diodes emitting at wavelength of around 970nm are fab
We investigate the resistive switching characteristics of a Cu/VOx/W structure. The VOx film is deposited by radio-frequency magnetron sputtering on the Cu elec
党的十四大明确指出:“振兴机械电子、石油化工、汽车制造业和建筑业,使它们成为国民经济的支柱产业”。这是根据改革开放以来我国经 The 14th National Congress of the CPC