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《黑旗旋风》是一部反映近代史上中越边境黑旗军斗争历程的长篇历史小说,它描绘了黑旗军主帅刘义(永福)的成长和斗争历程,通过他从左江上的滩师、起义军小兵,成长为黑旗军主帅和抗法大英雄的事迹,反映了波谲云诡、电闪雷鸣的中越边境近代史,具有很强的可读性。小说先在起点文学网、《南国早报》等连载,漓江出版社2014年12月推出单行本。广西师范学院文学院研究生为此专门召开了研讨会,这里刊出小说部分章节和研究生们的部分评论,以飨读者。 The “Black Banner Tornado” is a long historical novel that reflects the history of the Black Flag Army in the Sino-Vietnamese border in recent history. It depicts the course of the black flag army manager Liu Yi (Yongfu) The insurgent army creeps, the black flag army coach and the heroic heroic deeds of anti-French law reflect the paradoxical and lightning thunder of the recent history of the border between China and Vietnam, with a strong readability. The novel first in the beginning literature network, “South China Morning Post” and other serialized, Li River Publishing House in December 2014 launched a single book. Guangxi Normal University Graduate School of Arts held a special seminar for this purpose, published some of the novel section and some of the comments of graduate students in order to readers.
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去腾冲开会,我与一位报社的朋友同一个房间。当晚,朋友就提前告诉我,说自己睡觉会打呼噜,我随口说不碍事。到了晚上,朋友先让我睡下,自己出去散步了。哪成想,人家的呼噜不仅响度有水平,速度更有水平——人刚躺下,呼噜立马就响起来了,那速度简直比按电钮还快。  转天,饭桌上我这样说起朋友的呼噜,大家都哈哈大笑。主办方朋友表示要调换。我当即表示了感谢,而后却真情笑道:“这叫千里有缘来相会。如此响亮的呼噜,如此
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四川省泸州市纳溪区人民检察院深入贯彻落实科学发展观,走“文化育检”、“文化兴院”之路。近年来,该院开展“三维四层面”的文化建设,打造了 People’s Procuratorate of