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10月19日,上海市委第三巡视组巡视市档案局党组工作动员会在市档案馆外滩馆召开。根据市委巡视工作总体安排,从即日起,市委第三巡视组对市档案局开展为期两个月的巡视工作,同时合并巡视市档案馆。会上,市委第三巡视组组长杜志淳作巡视动员,市档案局党组书记、局(馆)长朱纪华代表市档案局党组作表态发言。杜志淳指出:一要高度重视巡视工作,充分认识深化政治巡视的重要意义。党的十八大以来,中央十分重视巡视工作,习近平总书记多次对巡视工作作出一系列重要论述、重要部署,确立了巡视工作的方针,明确了政治巡视的定位。市委也十分重视巡视工作,韩正书记、杨雄市长多次对巡视工作作出批示,提出明确要求。大家要高度重视巡视 On October 19, the third inspection team of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee visited the Municipal Archives Bureau mobilization meeting will be held in the Bund Museum of the City Archives. According to the overall arrangement of the municipal patrol work, from now on, the third patrol team of the Municipal Party Committee conducted a two-month patrol work for the Municipal Archives Bureau and amalgamated the patrolling city archives. At the meeting, Du Zhi-chun, leader of the third inspection team of the Municipal Party Committee, made a patrol to mobilize. Zhu Jihua, party secretary and director of the Municipal Archives Bureau, made a statement on behalf of the Municipal Archives Bureau. Du Zhichun pointed out: First, we must attach great importance to inspection work and fully understand the importance of deepening political inspections. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, the Central Committee attaches great importance to the inspection work. General Secretary Xi Jinping made a series of important expositions and important plans on the inspection work many times, established the guideline for inspection work and clarified the orientation of the political inspection. Municipal Party Committee also attaches great importance to the inspection work, Secretary Han Yang, Mayor Yang Xiong repeatedly made instructions on inspection work, made a clear request. We should attach great importance to inspection
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