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高一册《赤壁之战》的注释有几处欠妥,现提出来和大家商讨。 1.非刘豫州莫可以当曹操者。“可以”,课本注:“即现代汉语的‘可以’。”如按此注,这句得译“除了刘豫州外就没有谁能够抵挡曹操了。”然而这是有违情理的。当时刘备新败,连立足之地都没有,实力远远不及江山险固的东吴。对此,孙权心中是非常明白的。他决不会当着诸葛亮的面说出这既违背事实又损害自尊的话来。真要说的,是觉得在众多割据者中,能与他一起抗曹的最佳伙伴就只有刘备了。后边诸葛亮的回答“今将军诚能命猛将统兵数万,与豫州协规同力,破操军必矣”一句对此作了很好的印证。故这个“可以”决非今汉语“可以”,而是两个词:“可”才与今“可以”相当,“以”应讲作介词 There are several problems in the notes to the high volume of the “Clash of the Red Cliffs” that are now proposed to be discussed with you. 1. Not Liu Yuzhou Mo can be Cao Cao. “Yes,” the textbook notes: “That is the “may.” In modern Chinese.” If you press this note, you have to translate this sentence: “No one but Liu Yuzhou can resist Cao Cao.” However, this is contrary to reason. At that time, Liu Bei’s new defeat, and even no place to establish a foot, the strength is far less than Jiangshan dangerous Dongwu. In this regard, Sun Quan’s heart is very clear. He will never say in front of Zhuge Liang that this violates the facts and hurts self-esteem. What I really want to say is that among the many separatists, Liu Bei is the best partner that can fight against him. Behind Zhuge Liang’s reply, “This time, General Jiang can command tens of thousands of troops and cooperate with Yuzhou in order to break the military operation,” a sentence that is a good proof of this. Therefore, this “may” is by no means “may” in today’s Chinese, but two words: “may” be equivalent to “may”, and “as” should be used as a preposition.
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[教例] 师:我们学习了《石钟山记》,对作者夜探石钟山一节感受很深,谁能讲讲作者为什么要把这个过程写得那么详细生动呢? 生:详细写,是为了突出观点中的‘耳闻目见’。生:作
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