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三国时期著名的政治家、军事家诸葛亮在出山之前,曾有过十年的躬耕生涯。历史上的“三顾茅庐”和“隆中对策”均发生于诸葛亮躬耕之地。诸葛亮在《前出师表》中说:“臣本布衣,躬耕于南阳”。但其所说的“南阳”究竟在今何处,论者颇有争议,长期以来争执不下,成为一桩悬案。近年来,随着对诸葛亮研究的深入以及旅游资源的开发,关于诸葛亮躬耕地问题再度成为争论不休的话题,引起了各地史学工作者的关注。继武汉和北京相继举行了专题学术座谈会之后,1990年3月15日,华东师大史学所与复旦大学文博系又联合举行了“诸葛亮躬耕地”学术座谈会。会议由中国魏晋南北朝史 Zhuge Liang, a famous politician and military strategist during the Three Kingdoms period, had a decade-long career before going out of the mountains. Historically, “Three Guofululu” and “Longzhong countermeasures” occurred in Zhuge Liang Gong Gong land. Zhuge Liang “in front of teacher's watch” said: “Benbingong commoner, Gong Gong in Nanyang.” However, what it calls “Nanyang” is now where the argument is rather controversial. It has long been a dispute and has become a pending case. In recent years, with the deepening of Zhuge Liang's research and the development of tourism resources, the issue of Zhuge Liang's farmland arming has once again become a topic of debate, which has aroused the concern of historians everywhere. Following the special academic symposium held by Wuhan and Beijing successively, on March 15, 1990, the East China Normal University Historiography Institute and the Fudan University Department of Literature and Art jointly held the academic symposium “Zhuge Liang Gongcun Land”. Meeting by China Wei Jin Southern and Northern Dynasties history
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