
来源 :地下空间与工程学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:forestdancer
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为了研究深埋孔隙型富含水砂岩地层段的井壁受力及围岩与井壁的相互作用机理,进行了室内大型物理模拟试验。并通过相似材料配比试验获得了两种不同剪切模量砂岩的相似配比,用以在大型物理模拟试验中对应模拟两不同深度段的原型砂岩。同时,通过配比试验结果发现影响相似材料强度及剪切模量的两主要因素为水胶比和胶结材料含量,具体表现为,随着水胶比的减小,试件的单轴抗压强度及剪切模量均呈增大趋势,而胶结材料水泥含量少则是造成部分试件强度低的根本原因。最后,通过分析二者的影响方式以及依据已获得的试验规律,提出了进一步获得更大剪切模量砂岩相似材料配比设计的基本思路。 In order to study the borehole stress and the interaction mechanism between the surrounding rock and the borehole wall in the deep-pore water-rich sandstone formation, a large-scale indoor physical simulation test was carried out. Similar proportions of two kinds of sandstone with different shear modulus were obtained through similar material matching experiments to simulate the prototype sandstone with two different depths in large physical simulation test. In the meantime, the two main factors that affect the strength and shear modulus of similar materials are the water-cement ratio and the content of cementitious materials, which are shown by the results of the compounding test. Specifically, as the water-cement ratio decreases, the uniaxial compressive strength The strength and the shear modulus all showed an increasing tendency, while the cement content of the cemented material was the root cause of the low strength of some specimens. Finally, by analyzing the influence of the two methods and based on the obtained experimental rules, the basic idea of ​​obtaining the ratio design of similar material with larger shear modulus is proposed.
动物们千奇百怪的睡觉方式是不是很有趣?我们再来看看它们每天睡多久吧!  动物的睡眠时间会受到很多因素的影响。但是,最主要的影响因素是它们的天敌。正因为要时刻提防天敌来袭,有些动物的睡眠时间很短。即便是在睡梦中,也要保持警惕。比如,长颈鹿是睡眠时间比较短的动物,它们每天大概只会睡20分钟。有些鸟类的睡眠时间更短。在迁徙的过程中,它们可能会打上几百次盹儿,每次只有几秒钟。  相比那些“严重缺觉”的动物
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