制好药积善德 创优方济苍生——广东惠州九惠制药股份有限公司自主创新铸辉煌

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20年前,惠州市有一家固定资产仅40万元,员工仅40多人并且濒临倒闭的国有中药企业,历经20年的沧桑巨变,目前这家企业已成为年产值超亿元,利税超千万元的高新技术企业。这就是名满广东的民营企业---惠州市九惠制药股份有限公司。九惠的发展,20年一路风雨,20年一路凯歌……创业路凝聚血汗艰辛扭乾坤企业飞速发展九惠的前身是一家国有药用干膏厂。1989年用于种种原因企业债台高筑濒临倒闭,有关部门准备把这家企业拍卖掉。当时担任企业临时负责人的黄辉球,看在眼里痛在心上,在借贷无门的情况下,他毅然用自家的房产抵押贷款,解决了国有企业的困难。他这种勇挑重担、无私奉献的精神感染了全厂员工,大家受到了极大的鼓舞,积极行动起来,干劲十足,当年就使企业扭亏为盈。1990年干膏厂实现产值210万元,利润首次突破10万元,1991年实现了产值389万元,利润60余万元。1992年实现产值1100万元,1993年实现产值2000万元……,企业效益几乎是每年以200%的速度递增,一年迈进一个新的台阶,九惠取得了飞速的发展。 Twenty years ago, Huizhou had a state-owned Chinese medicine enterprise with only 400,000 yuan of fixed assets and only 40 employees and was on the verge of collapse. After 20 years of vicissitudes, this enterprise has now become an annual output value exceeding 100 million yuan, Million high-tech enterprises. This is the famous private enterprises in Guangdong --- Huizhou City, nine benefits Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.. Nine benefits of development, 20 years of all the way the storm, all the way for 20 years, Kay ... ... Venture Road, blood and sweat painstaking efforts to reverse the rapid development of business-Hui nine predecessor is a state-owned medicinal dry paste factory. In 1989 for various reasons, the corporate debt crisis was on the brink of collapse, and the relevant departments were prepared to auction this business. At the time, Huang Huiqiu, who was the temporary head of the enterprise, was hurt in his heart. Without credit, he decided to use his real estate mortgage loan to solve the difficulties of state-owned enterprises. His courageous and dedication, selfless dedication infected the entire factory staff, everyone was greatly encouraged, positive action, energetic, that year to make the company turn a profit. Dry paste factory in 1990 to achieve the output value of 2.1 million yuan, profits exceeded 100,000 yuan for the first time in 1991, the output value of 3.89 million yuan, more than 600,000 yuan profit. The output value of 11 million yuan was realized in 1992 and the output value reached 20 million yuan in 1993 ...... The profit of the enterprise is increasing at an annual rate of almost 200%. With the rapid development of a year to nine years, the company has achieved rapid development.
猕猴桃(Actinidia chinensis Planch)主产于中国长江流域。早在公元1400年代,中国文献就有记载,用猕猴桃或其根与其它药物配合,治疗消化系癌及乳腺癌。猕猴桃或猕猴桃根对癌
在人文学科的研讨中,有两个最容易导致争论的因素:误读和歧义。误读是领会错了别人所表述的意思,而歧义则是对同一事件的各不相同的理解。 牧惠先生的《未必都是洪承畴》(《
<正>时间 升降沉浮和我们与生俱来。一切都产生又逝云,像白天和黑夜,循着存在的节拍,不论时钟轻声嘀嗒,是已经停摆