Density Functional Theory Study on the Histidine-assisted Mechanism of Arylamine N-Acetyltransferase

来源 :结构化学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Green__lucky
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Arylamine N-acetyltransferases(NATs,EC catalyze the N-acetylation of primary arylamines,and play a key role in the biotransformation and metabolism of drugs,carcinogens,etc.In this paper,three possible reaction mechanisms are investigated and the results indicate that if the acetyl group directly transfers from the donor to the acceptor,the high activation energies will make it hard to obtain the target products.When using histidine to mediate the acetylation process,these energies will drop in the 15~45 kJ/mol range.If the histidine residue is protonated,the corresponding energies will be decreased by about 35~87 kJ/mol.The calculations predict an enzymatic acetylation mechanism that undergoes a thiolate-imidazolium pair,which agrees with the experimental results very well. Arylamine N-acetyltransferases (NATs, EC catalyze the N-acetylation of primary arylamines, and play a key role in the biotransformation and metabolism of drugs, carcinogens, etc. In this paper, three possible reaction mechanisms are investigated and the results indicate that if the acetyl group directly transfers from the donor to the acceptor, the high activation energies will make it hard to obtain the target products. Using histidine to mediate the acetylation process, these energies will drop in the 15-45 kJ / mol range.If the histidine residue is protonated, the corresponding energies will be decreased decreased by 35 to 87 kJ / mol. The calculations predict an enzymatic acetylation mechanism that undergoes a thiolate-imidazolium pair, which agrees with the experimental results very well.
汪吟泉号梨园散人,1942年生,安徽黟县人,1959年毕业于陶瓷学院,次年调入景德镇赣剧团任舞台美术设计, Wang Yinquan Liyuan casual, born in 1942, Anhui Pixian, graduated
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