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《艺蘅馆词选》为梁令娴甄选抄录历代词作校编而成,其选词观受到清代中叶以来常州词派的影响,并有所发展。其选编体例包括词家简介、历代经典性论语、正文词作、页眉词论等几个部分,受《宋四家词选》、《宋七家词选》等词集编刻体例的影响。《艺蘅馆词选》带有集评性质,条目清晰,版式富于变化。校编内涵较为丰富,对词作流传过程中引起误解或错误之处,择要予以校释,对词籍版本、选词标准等进行评说,使该选趋于严谨。《艺蘅馆词选》保存不少词论资料,包括前人和时人对词作的精彩评论。梁启超论诗语较多,而词论却不经见,因而赖此选而得以流传。梁令娴所做的词学贡献是不言而喻的,《艺蘅馆词选》为后世词学研究提供了重要的文献文本资料。 The “Ci Poetry Selection” is made by Liang Lingxian for transcribing the ancient Ci for making compilation of Ci poems. The selection of Ci verse has been influenced by Changzhou Ci School since the middle of the Qing Dynasty and has been developed. The selection of his style includes the introduction of Ci writer, classic Analects of Confucius, the main body of the word, the word of the header and several other parts, by the “Four Songs Ci”, “Seven Song Ci Ci” . “Art Museum Museum” with a collection of the nature of evaluation, the entry is clear, full of changes in layout. School editorial content is more rich, the word spread in the process of causing misunderstandings or errors, choose to be interpreted, the version of the word, the word selection criteria such comments, so that the election tends to be rigorous. “Arts Museum Museum word selection” save a lot of word theory information, including the predecessors and the people of the wonderful comments made. Liang Qichao’s theory of poetry is more, but the theory of the word is not seen, so it can be spread on the basis of this election. The contribution made by Liang Lingxian is self-evident. The “Ci Poetry Selection of Art Museum” provides an important literary textual data for the study of later wordology.
目的 探讨试验场地对直立倾斜试验(HUTT)结果的影响方法对2000-09~2011-08在中南大学湘雅二医院晕厥专科门诊就诊或住院的不明原因晕厥、头晕、头痛、胸闷等患者进行HUTT检查,
this paper.The conclusions have significant importance in the understanding of the mechanism of microvessel injury in ultrasound therapy.
With interest we read the article by Bani-Hani et al[1] entiffed "Pathogenesis of columnar-lined esophagus", which has been published in the recent issue of Wor