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患儿,男,26d,以发热、腹泻1d为主诉,以新生儿肠炎收住院。入院查体:T38℃神志清,精神略差,呼吸较快,无缺氧,无脱水,心肺(-),肝脾不大。入院后给抗感染,补液体治疗,患儿体温下降,但大便次数仍多,每日10多次,无脓血,有不消化的食物。于入院第5d家属在街道中药店购罂粟壳(量不详),水煎服用两次,总共约50ml左右,服药半小时后,患儿喉中有痰,颜面轻度发绀,嗜睡,但呼吸节律齐,无暂停,双肺无痰湿鸣,心率140次/min即给吸氧,静点1/5张力液体,约1h后发绀明显呼吸暂停,心率逐渐减慢,即给呼吸兴奋剂洛贝林、氨茶碱及口对口呼吸,病情有好转,面色转红,自主呼吸恢复,但约10min以后呼吸又停止,呼吸暂停连续发作4次,与此同时在呼吸兴奋剂的基础上给纠酸,应用氟美松及多次口对口呼吸,约4h以后呼吸暂停再未发作。 Children, male, 26d, with fever, diarrhea 1d-based complaint, neonatal enteritis admitted to hospital. Admission examination: T38 ℃ conscious mind, spirit slightly worse, faster breathing, no hypoxia, no dehydration, cardiopulmonary (-), hepatosplenism is not. After admission to the anti-infective, fluid therapy, children with body temperature drops, but the stool frequency is still more than 10 times a day, no blood, there are indigestible food. On the 5th day after hospitalization, the family members bought poppy shells (amount is unknown) in the street Chinese medicine pharmacy and decocted twice in total about 50ml. Half an hour after taking the medicine, the children had phlegm in the throat, slight cyanosis and drowsiness of the face, but the respiratory rhythm Qi, without pause, lungs without phlegm dampness, heart rate 140 beats / min to give oxygen, static point 1/5 tension liquid, about 1h after cyanosis obvious apnea, heart rate gradually slow down, that is, to respiratory stimulant lobe Lin, aminophylline and mouth-to-mouth breathing, the condition improved, turning red, spontaneous breathing recovery, but about 10min after breathing stopped, apnea consecutive episodes of 4 times, at the same time on the basis of respiratory stimulants to correct acid , Application of dexamethasone and multiple mouth-to-mouth breathing, about 4h after apnea and then no episodes.
庄庆士是著名的养猪技术专家。他出生于1928年 ,东北农学院畜牧系本科毕业 ,中共党员 ,曾任哈尔滨农场畜牧处处长、高级畜牧师、东北养猪研究会理事、黑龙江省养猪研究会常务理事
一位为中国地质事业整整奋斗 65个春秋的长者、良师、益友 ,走了。作为晚辈、学生和同事 ,我们对着老人的遗体深深鞠躬 ,是告别 ,更是对老人默默地述说我们的遗憾 :再也不能
有的路 ,也许一生只走一回有的事 ,也许一生只做一次无论成败都是我生命历程中值得纪念的经历 Some way, maybe life only one thing back, maybe life once only, no matte
Twenty two sapriparaquinone derivatives were synthesized and their antioxidant activities were evaluated in vitro. Many of this kind of compounds demonstrated p