Study of action mechanisms and properties of Cr3+ cross-linked polymer solution with high salinity

来源 :石油科学(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dianzi511
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Performance characteristics of partially hydrolyzed polyacrylamide (HPAM) and crosslinked polymer (CLP,Cr3+ as the cross linker) solutions have been investigated.A Brookfield viscometer,rheometer,dynamic light scattering system,and core flow device have been used to measure the viscosity,viscoelasticity,polymer coil dimensions,molecular configuration,flow characteristics,and profile modification.The results show that,under conditions of high salinity and low HPAM and Cr3+concentrations,cross-linking mainly occurred between different chains of the same HPAM molecule in the presence of Cr3+,and a cross-linked polymer (CLP) system with a local network structure was formed.Compared with an HPAM solution of the same concentration,the apparent viscosity of the CLP solution increased slightly or remained almost unchanged,but its viscoelasticity (namely storage modulus,loss modulus,and first normal stress difference) increased,and the resistance coefficient and residual resistance coefficient increased significantly.This indicates that the CLP solution exhibits a strong capability to divert the sequentially injected polymer flood from high-permeability zones to lowpermeability zones in a reservoir.Under the same HPAM concentration conditions,the dimensions of polymer coils in the CLP solution increased slightly compared with the dimensions of polymer coils in HPAM solution,which were smaller than the rock pores,indicating that the cross-linked polymer solution was well adapted to reservoir rocks.Core flood experiments show that at the same cost of reagent,the oil recovery by CLP injection (HPAM-1,Cr3+ as the cross linker) is 3.1% to 5.2% higher than that by HPAM2 injection.
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