
来源 :江西政报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cnsdxl
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省府批示: 三月二十八日全省開展衞生工作人員政治學習運動,已在五月中旬結束,歷時一個半月。這個運動自開展以來,發展是較正常的,已獲得了一定的成就,揭發和暴露了一些存在的嚴重問題。但必須指出:衞生部門攤子大,領導弱,力量小,問題多,醫療事故時有發生,某些醫務人員服務態度差,責任感不強。今後必須針對現存缺點予以切實整頓改進,特別需要加強衞生系統各部門的政治工作和對衞生人員的政治思想教育,提高爲人民服務的責任感,端正某些衞生工作人員的工作態度,發揮爲人民服務的優良傳統,肅清舊社會的殘餘思想作風。對於預備醫院的工作,必须指定專人限期整頓。 The provincial government instructed: On March 28, the province conducted a political study campaign for health workers, which ended in mid-May and took a month and a half. Since the beginning of this campaign, development has been more normal. Some successes have been achieved, exposing and exposing some existing serious problems. However, it must be pointed out that the health sector has large scale, weak leadership, small power, many problems, frequent medical accidents, poor medical service and poor sense of responsibility. In the future, we must rectify and improve the existing shortcomings. In particular, we need to strengthen the political work of various departments in the health system and political and ideological education for health personnel so as to enhance their sense of responsibility to serve the people, correct their attitudes toward work and serve the people Of the fine tradition, to eliminate the remnants of the old society style of thinking. For the work of the preparatory hospital, you must appoint a specific period of rectification.
在忽热忽凉的4月,我们一行四人背上背包从成都出发了。此次出行我们没有像以往那样精心设计线路,而是随心所欲去川西高原狂游。 第1天:成都——茂县 星期4下午3:00,我们从成
2015年9月23日,注册会计师行业领军(后备)人才第十期境外(加拿大)培训班的学员们拜访了位于渥太华的加拿大中小型事务所Samson&Associates CPA/Consulting lnc(以下简称Samso
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蘇聯政府代表團代表蘇聯人民贈給我國以組織擁有兩萬公頃播種面積的國營穀物農場所必需的機器和設備,並派來一批專家帮助我們建立這個農場,使我們在 The Soviet government
省府批示: 省人民法院關於‘江西半年來調解工作情况報告’,總結了全省半年來的調解工作,初步綜合了各地調解工作經驗,提出了今後調解工作的一些意見。現將該項報告刊載,以
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