Holiday Clubs

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  同學们,学习之余多去参加俱乐部吧,来充实自己的课余时间, 让课外生活充满七色阳光。看看下面的俱乐部,有没有你们喜欢的?
  Rotorua Grammar School Holiday Clubs
  Do something different.
  Don’t just watch TV.
  Come and join us and have some real fun!
  There are lots of different ways to spend your free time. You can choose as many clubs as you like. You don’t need to have any special skills to join us. They are also FREE for all our students.
  Photography Club
  Join us to learn about choosing a camera and advice on taking successful photos. We will also teach you how to use your PC to store and print your photos.
  9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Monday
  Room 308
  Art  Club
  If you like art, spend a day in the Art Room. During the day, we’ll use different things: pencils, watercolors, oil paints. We’ll also have a special lesson from a guest cartoonist, who will teach us how to draw cartoons.
  8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday
  Science Club
  Einstein, Edison, Newton—they learnt about science when they were young. If you want to try out new ideas, come to our club. We do lots of things in the lab to see what happens. We meet twice a week in the science club.
  8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
  Thursday & Friday
  Collecting Club
  If you like collecting stamps, tickets, or postcards, come to our club! You can share what you collect and swap(交换) things with other members to build your collection. We have lots of ideas about what to do to add to your collection without spending lots of money.
  Meet in Room 510
  2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesday
  1. If students join the clubs, they .
  A. don’t need to pay B. can’t choose over two
  C. must go every day D. must have special skills
  2. Why do members in the Collecting Club swap things?
  A. To make postcards. B. To make money.
  C. To make friends with each other. D. To make their collection better.
  3. Members of the Science Club spend a lot of time .
  A. trying out their new ideas B. learning about scientists
  C. studying science textbooks D. watching science TV programs
  4. Which of the following is TRUE?
  A. Collecting Club meets in Room 308.
  B. Members learn how to paint on Friday.
  C. Art Club has a special lesson on Monday.
  D. Members can print photos in Science Club.
  5. If you like taking photos, what day can you come to Photography Club?
  A. Thursday.        B. Wednesday.        C. Tuesday.        D. Monday.
  6. Where can you stay for eight hours to use many things?
  A. Collecting Club.  B. Photography Club.      C. Art Club.    D. Science Club.
  7. How often do we meet in the Science Club?
  A. We meet once a week.
  B. We meet twice a week.
  C. We meet three times a week.
  D. We meet four times a week.
  答案:1. A 2. D 3. A 4. C 5. D 6. C 7. B
解无理方程(即根号中含有未知数的方程)是初中数学中一种较为常见的问题,其解法多样,基本解题思路是将方程“有理化”,转化为有理方程来求解. 下面举例介绍三种常用方法.  一、平方法  例1 关于[x]的方程[x2+1=ax](a为常数)的解的情况可能是( ).  A.没有实数解 B. 有两个实数解  C.没有实数解或有两个实数解 D.无法确定  分析:随着a的取值不同
1. 如圖1,等腰直角三角形ABC中,AB = AC,ED⊥AB且平分AB,AE⊥EF,点F在BC上,求证:AE = EF.   [A][E][D][F][B][C]  图1  2.如图2,等腰直角三角形ABC中,D为斜边AB的中点,DE⊥DF,G在BC上,∠DEA = ∠DEG,求证:GE = GF.   [A][E][D][F][B][C][G]  图2  3.如图3,已知△
【风采聚焦】  我是2020 年毕业于锦州市第八中学的刘乙,现就读于锦州中学。我的中考总分为593.2分,排在锦州市第33名。其中,语文98分,数学120分,英语99分,物理、化学共138分,道德与法治、历史共58.8分,生物、地理共59.4分,体育20分。  【学霸师团】  年组长:李玉江 班主任:张 晴  【高分锦囊】  一、认真听,记笔记  我的学习经验是上课时一定要集中注意力认真听讲,跟上
综合性学习是中考常考题型之一,题型灵活多样,包括情景对话、图文转换、微写作等。本文结合中考真题,从内容角度来梳理常考题型,并给出复习建议。   题型梳理  一、融合时事类。这类题目往往和国内外的大事结合在一起,引导考生关注时事,运用所学知识提出看法、发表见解。例如:  (2021·湖北·武汉)根据要求完成各题。  【材料一】中共中央、国务院印发
在学习英语的过程中,我们常遇到only与其他词或结构搭配来表达不同意思的用法,现将这些用法示例如下:  一、only引导的词组或句子放在句首作状语时,通常要用倒装结构。如:  Only in this way can you solve the problem.  只有通过这种方式,你才能解决问题。  二、not only...(but also)出现在句首时,如果连接的是两个句子,常用倒装。如:
在学习分子热运动时,需要注意以下三点:1.物体内的分子在不停地做无规则运动,温度越高,无规则运动越剧烈;2.分子的无规则运动是自发的,不能与受外力改变运动状态的情况混为一谈;3.扩散现象可以发生在气体、液体和固体间,气体间最快,液体间其次,固体间最慢。其考点主要有以下三类。  一、解释生活现象  例1(2021·四川·攀枝花)端午节到了,家人团聚食用咸鸭蛋。咸鸭蛋的制作方法之一:在洗净的鸭蛋表面涂
一切物体都具有内能,做功和热传递是改变物体内能的两种方式。那么,怎么判断是哪种方式改变物体内能的呢?下面通过3道中考题加以分析。  例1(2020·山东·泰安)下面是研究黑点标注的物体内能改变的情景,通过做功使物体内能增加的是( )。  A.把铁丝反复弯折,弯折处变热 B.把钢球放入炉火中,烧一段时间  C.冬天,用热水袋对手进行取暖 D.水烧开时,水蒸气将壶盖顶起  解析:把铁丝反复弯折,
温度、热量、内能是初中物理热学中三个重要的物理量,它们之间既有联系又有区别。下面结合例题厘清三者之间的关系。  例1(2020·江苏·无锡)关于内能,下列说法中正确的是( )。  A.0 ℃的冰块没有内能  B.物体内能大小与温度无关  C.热量总是从内能大的物体向内能小的物体转移  D.金属汤勺放在热汤中,温度升高,这是通过热传递的方式改变内能  解析:一切物体在任何时候都具有内能,内能大小跟
在生活中,有很多类型的卡片,如新年贺卡、明信片、感谢留言卡片等,它们传递着人与人之间的情谊和祝福,是维系感情的纽带。小安妮在最困难的时候收到同学寄来的一张卡片,获得了很大的支持和鼓励。那么小安妮又是怎样感恩的呢?请阅读此文分享感恩带来的快乐。  My name is Anne. When I was 9 years old, I received my first handmade card. I
1. How about...?  How about(=What about)…? 意为“(你认为)……怎么样?”常用于征求意见、询问情况或提出建议,后接名词、代词或动名词。如:How about going out for a walk? 出去散步怎么样?  2. not... any more  not...any more意为“不再”,相当于not...any longer或no long