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艰苦朴素,清正廉洁,这是中国共产党的优良传统,也是以毛泽东为代表的老一辈无产阶级革命家在人民群众心目中树立的光辉形象。战争年代,中国共产党以这个形象赢得了人民的支持并最终推翻腐败没落的国民党反动统治,建立了新中国。在和平建设年代,中国共产党也是以这个形象,吸引团结了全国人民,同心同德,为祖国的繁荣和民族的兴盛献身出力。艰苦奋斗是党和人民战胜困难,取得一个又一个成功的重要精神力量。然而,在改革开放的年代,在商品经济大潮的冲击下,党的这个形象在一部分党员,干部的身上逐渐淡漠了,甚至相反,一些人置党纪国法于不顾,利欲熏心,挺而走险,以种种手法肆意挥霍,倾吞国家财产。显然,如何继续发扬艰苦奋斗的作风,清除腐败,保持共产党员和国家干部廉洁奉公的品质已经成为时代所面临的一个严峻课题。 Plain and honest, clean and honest are the fine traditions of the Chinese Communist Party and the glorious image of the proletarian revolutionaries of the older generation, represented by Mao Zedong, in the minds of the people. In the war years, the Chinese Communist Party won the people’s support with this image and eventually overthrow the declining Kuomintang reactionary ruling regime and established the People’s Republic of China. In the era of peace building, the Chinese Communist Party takes this image to attract and unite the people of the entire country, give its own contribution to the prosperity of the motherland and the prosperity of the nation. Hard work is an important spiritual force that the party and the people overcome one after another and succeed one after another. However, under the influence of the tide of commodity economy under the influence of the tide of commodity economy, the image of the party gradually became indifferent to some party members and cadres in the era of reform and opening up. On the contrary, some people even ignored the principle of party discipline and state law, Various tactics wantonly splurge, dumping state property. Obviously, how to continue to carry forward the style of arduous struggle, clear corruption, and maintain the quality of honest and honorable serving of CPC members and state cadres has become a serious issue facing the times.
一、安装工程的特点安装工程与土建工程相比,除了有很多相似之处外,还有以下几方面的特点: 1.材料品种多、规格多、品牌多、价格差异大。如给排水工程中的阀门,有闸阀、截止