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DNA composition dynamics across genomes of diverse taxonomy is a major sub- ject of genome analyses. DNA composition changes are characteristics of both replication and repair machineries. We investigated 3,611,007 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) generated by comparing two sequenced rice genomes from distant inbred lines (subspecies), including those from 242,811 introns and 45,462 protein-coding sequences (CDSs). Neighboring-nucleotide e?ects (NNEs) of these SNPs are diverse, depending on structural content-based classifications (genome- wide, intronic, and CDS) and sequence context-based categories (A/C, A/G, A/T, C/G, C/T, and G/T substitutions) of the analyzed SNPs. Strong and evident NNEs and nucleotide proportion biases surrounding the analyzed SNPs were ob- served in 1–3 bp sequences on both sides of an SNP. Strong biases were observed around neighboring nucleotides of protein-coding SNPs, which exhibit a periodicity of three in nucleotide content, constrained by a combined e?ect of codon-related rules and DNA repair mechanisms. Unlike a previous finding in the human genome, we found negative correlation between GC contents of chromosomes and the mag- nitude of corresponding bias of nucleotide C at ?1 site and G at +1 site. These results will further our understanding of the mutation mechanism in rice as well as its evolutionary implications. DNA composition dynamics are genomes of diverse taxonomy is a major sub- ject of genome analyzes. DNA composition changes are characteristics of both replication and repair machineries. We investigated 3,611,007 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) generated by comparing two sequenced rice genomes from distant inbred lines (subspecies), including those from 242,811 introns and 45,462 protein-coding sequences (CDSs). Neighboring-nucleotide ects (NNEs) of these SNPs are diverse, depending on structural content-based classifications (genome- wide, intronic, and CDS ) and sequence context-based categories (A / C, A / G, A / T, C / G, C / T, and G / T substitutions) of the analyzed SNPs. Strong and evident NNEs and nucleotide proportion biases surrounding analyzed SNPs were ob- served in 1-3 bp sequences on both sides of an SNP. Strong biases were observed around nearby nucleotides of protein-coding SNPs, which exhibit a periodicity of three in nucleotide content, constrained by a comb ined e? ect of codon-related rules and DNA repair mechanisms. Unlike a previous finding in the human genome, we found negative correlation between GC contents of chromosomes and the mag- nitude of corresponding bias of nucleotide C at? 1 site and G at +1 site. These results will further our understanding of the mutation mechanism in rice as well as its evolutionary implications.
傣药榼藤子为豆科榼藤子属植物榼藤子Entada phaseoloides (Linn.) Merr.的干燥种仁。该属植物广泛分布于非洲和美洲,全世界共约30种,我国产1种。榼藤子主要应用于治疗胃痛、痔疮、水肿、便秘等病症。现代药理研究表明,榼藤子属植物具有抗菌、抗氧化、抗肿瘤、抗炎镇痛等多种生物活性。为了更好开发利用该药用植物资源、创造经济效益和服务社会,我们对榼藤子总皂苷的抗2型糖尿病(T2DM
为了实现可靠的植物病虫害诊断,提出把人工神经网络和多光谱成像技术结 合的方法,并将该方法用于常见的三种黄瓜病害的识别研究.在此基础上,实验采用窄带多 光谱成像技术获取
关键词:世界田径锦标赛;北京;少儿趣味田径;运动会;展示体验  中图分类号:G623.8 文献标识码:D 文章编号:1005-2410(2015)09-0025-01  2015年8月22~30日,北京迎来了田径高端赛事——世界田径锦标赛。鸟巢,这个体育圣殿再一次见证了博尔特闪电飞人的速度,来自世界各地的田径名将们展开了激烈的比拼;而紧邻鸟巢赛场外的奥林匹克公园,一场适合儿童的少儿趣味田径运动会也
川明参Chuanminshen viloaceum Sheh et Shan为伞形科(Umbelliferae)川明参属植物,为我国特有的单种属植物,是四川省道地药材。川明参具有驱风解热、补肺镇咳等功效,主治肺热咳嗽、热病伤阴等病症,特别适用于病后补虚和强壮身体,为一典型的药食同源类植物。目前,关于川明参的文献报道主要集中在根的化学成分研究方面。在本课题组的前期研究过程中,已对川明参药材的质量控制
由玉米大斑病菌(Setosphaeria turcica)引起的玉米大斑病(Northern Corn Leaf Blight)是一种重要的玉米叶部真菌病害,严重发生年份会导致玉米减产50%左右,给农业生产造成重大